The authorities of the European Union have changed their policy on renewable solar energy

3 min readJan 30, 2019


Every year the electricity consumption in Europe continues to grow. For the purpose of economic security, in order to not depend on the purchased sources of energy and not to pollute the environment, the authorities of European countries are paying more and more attention to their own renewable sources of energy.

The European Parliament (EP) has approved the main aim for renewable energy by 2030. According to these goals, by 2030, renewable energy in the EU should be at least 32% of the total gross energy consumption. The European Parliament also has shorter-term plans. By 2020, all 28 EU members will have to receive 20% of their energy from renewable sources.

Each EU member must submit a ten-year “comprehensive national energy and climate plan” with national goals, strategies and activities by the 31st of December 2019, and then update it every 10 years.

Spain and Hungary, two countries traditionally dependent on energy sources such as coal and gas, have already made open obligations about the development of renewable energy sources. Spain has taken responsibility to provide 100% of its energy consumption from the renewable sources by 2050, as well as to upgrade the skills of coal industry professionals or provide them with early retirement, as the coal industry will suffer due to changes of energy policy.

Hungary also intends to refuse by phase out of the coal use by 2030.

The popularity of the solar energy growth in Europe in 2018 was further developed by the lifting of tariffs on Chinese-made solar panels made by the European Commission. Meaning that the price of solar panels will drop by 30%. As a result, it should increase the EU solar energy market to 11.3 billion euros.

The tariffs cancellation of Chinese-made solar panels, as well as an attitude change towards renewable energy sources, should give the European Union a 12% share in the global market of solar modules.

For a long time, solar energy has not been popular in Spain because of the 7% tax on the solar energy, imposed as a result of the energy companies lobby. The newly elected government plans to abolish the tax.


The new loyalty of Spain for renewable energy was confirmed by a recent € 450 million financing package given by the European investment Bank, that will finance solar and coastal wind projects in Spain. The Spanish government’s shift towards solar energy shows that the authorities of Europe are serious about renewable energy.

Spain has the most suitable climate for solar panels use. The widespread development of solar energy in the country was hampered by the tax imposed on solar energy. The change in the EU policy on renewable energy sources, as well as the cancellation of tariffs on Chinese-made solar panels and the planned cancellation of solar energy tax in Spain, will lead to the development of solar energy in the country, as well as reduce the cost of energy received from the solar panels use.

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