New Release: SVPER | Content Creation Bounty

Spread the word about SVPER with your original content and earn SVP-tokens!

3 min readOct 15, 2018


SVPER is awarding writers, bloggers, journalists and video creators with SVPER tokens (SVP) for publishing quality content about SVPER Token sale event!

For this campaign, we only accept blog posts, articles, and videos. Please provide an English brief to us in this Content Creation Form for non-English content.

For each and every piece of unique content created you must fill in the separate Content Creation Form so that we can verify any postings.

Please, make sure that you:
1/ Register on our Website and added your ERC-20 compatible wallet to redeem your tokens.
2/ Join the Official SVPER Telegram Group


Stakes are based on the quality, size of mentioning SVPER (words or video length) and popularity gained from the content.

  • Articles/videos etc. will be evaluated according to the number of views or visitors.
  • In terms of quality, publications that are at a higher level than others can be additionally rewarded with 1 to 10 stakes.
  • Content that does not satisfy any of the rules will not be accepted.
  • You will be able to get 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 stake(s) depending on the number of visitors/ views/ similar web points, and you will be able to get 1, 3, 5, 7, or 10 stake(s) depending on the content quality.
  • At the end of the campaign, the stakes for quality and stakes for popularity will be combined, and you can get up to 20 stakes in total.
  • Exceptional content of high quality and high popularity maybe eligible for a greater reward at the discretion of SVPER.

Content Requirements

This is a high quality project, and we encourage genuine discussion and opinions. Any misrepresentations of the project and/or false claims will not be permitted and stakes will not be awarded.

  • The blog/forum/YT channel must be focused on a relevant topic (at the sole discretion of SVPER).
  • You must have at least 100 organic subscribers on YouTube or blog page should have at least 100 followers.
  • Content at websites and blogs where the number of views is not transparent (Blogspot, Wordpress) or do not appear in Similar web analysis will not be accepted.
  • Your video must be at least 2 minutes long. The video should be descriptive.
  • Those in the form of musical presentation will not be accepted. Speech must be made by a real person, videos edited with the help of voice synthesizers will not be accepted.
  • The video has to be of good quality.
  • Your article or blog post has to be original, of good writing quality, and at least 500 words.
  • Your video, article or blog post must be public.
  • Your video article or blog post must have links to the SVPER website and whitepaper.
  • Only original work is accepted! Copying parts of the website / paper or using the work of someone else will disqualify your work(s).
  • The same content post can only be posted once. Do not apply the same content on different websites, it will be declined.




The SVPER App imitates the real-world process of meeting new people more accurately than ever before and rewards its members through a tokenized economy.