What I Learned About Interpreters by Attending UN Events

4 min readNov 18, 2021

Becoming an interpreter is more complicated than how it seems –– here’s why.

Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

As a multilingual, I must confess that becoming an interpreter crossed my mind as a potential career at some point in my life. Naturally, being fluent in a few languages, I thought about the possible ways to turn my language skills into a career.

Translators and interpreters are people with different skills set.

I was somewhat fascinated with the idea of becoming an interpreter for a while.

Reflecting on this idea now, I probably wasn’t aware of situations that I witnessed first-hand how challenging it is to be an interpreter.

Sure, interpreting for celebrities sounded fun to me back then. But still, it is a job at the end of the day, and you need to be on top of the conversations at any moment to make sure the communication flow in the room is smooth.

But the truth is, if I ever wanted to be in this field, I would become a translator and not an interpreter.

Everyone depends on the interpreter to relay the information instantly.




I write about languages, personal development and music. Graphic Design student and a photography enthusiast.