Translation of the Twenty-Third Psalm

Illuminati Ganga Agent 86
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2024

The Lord is my dictator, and he sees to my requirements.

He imprisons me in the finest of pens, and on his parole am I brought to drink at my trough.

My soul by his is brainwashed, and I am brought in the paths of indoctrination for the sake of his name.

Even as I walk beneath the shadow of death I fear no evil, for he will not let it fall.

Thy Manacles and truncheon do comfort me, you have prepared for me a table, and a review against them that accuse me.

My head you have shaved before thee, and anointed it for better conductivity, and my last meal is made by thine attention,

and your phone call reprieves me with everlasting mercy, And I shall live in the house of my Lord all the days of my Life.

This poem was written by IG Agent 79, Anonymous Fug, member of the infamous Fug family some of whom are discussed in this book (affiliate link)

It is part of the forthcoming bnok, Collected Works of Anonymous.

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Published in luminasticity

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