Lamden Dev Update — April 5th, 2019

Jason Yoakam


Happy Friday! Time for another Dev Update. Check out our updates below and let us know if you have any questions!

If you haven’t yet, be sure to join our Reddit community and come discuss this week’s update.


  • Finished and tested a modular “StateSync” node which can be used to build micro-services such as state exploration, contract scheduling, notification services, and more. The StateSync node talks to Masternodes to keep a constantly updated version of state, and informs other processes on the same machine when it updates with a new block so that they can implement some desired behavior.
  • Progress on the scheduler micro-service, including a crude scheduling API.
  • Completed Bubble Cilantro-JS plugin for rapid POC deployment for enterprise engagements.
  • Added ‘time’ type to protocol to allow transfer and protocol-level casting of ISO 8601 timestamps.
  • Testing and size reduction of EC2 instances used for Cilantro deployments.
  • Added Event emission structure, internal network representation, account objects, native encryption with NaCl, and custom Promises API to Cilantro-JS.

Lamden Swaps

  • Lots of design changes to the Wallet. Thanks goes out to the community members that took the time to install, test and provide feedback on v0.1.0. Almost all of the suggestions were implemented.
  • Lots of UI changes to the Wallet as well as a rebrand from Clove to “Lamden Swaps”. Working on Lamden Swaps documentation to accompany the Wallet release.


  • Refactored the database driver to support any key value store, which means we can perform benchmarks to find the architecture that is the fastest. Ledis was faster than Redis, but there are other technologies that claim even better performance. That could mean even higher tps.
  • Also finished the first version of the database module loader which will be used to resolve packages on the blockchain when running smart contracts.
  • Evaluated the conflict resolution layer and concluded that refactoring the database driver away from Redis and implementing everything as low level key value operations would simplify the layer drastically and allow more complex data structures to be built on top of it without any interaction with the conflict resolution layer.
  • Working on refactoring compiler code into parser, linter and compile modules. Added Linter that does all the checks of contract syntax and semantic rules.

What’s Next?

We will continue working towards a full release of the wallet and working on Lamden Swaps documentation. For Seneca, overall the refactor is going much faster than expected, and we will continue to work on it next week. We will continue to refactor the code until a standard API is being used for the database drivers, and then we will attempt to replace the module loaders. We will also start unit tests on the parsers beginning with low level python tests and then implement database access features.

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