/ (3/3) Prima Facie —

9 Q 4 SR
7 min readAug 27, 2015


The Name of the Game


From the recent High Court decision in Singapore regarding ‘SUIT NO 783 OF 2012’, it can be firmly said that Sarawak Report does not attach these evidence-gathering and presentation criteria with any level of importance.
Furthermore, as the recently infamous and obviously contrived ‘draft’ “Waran Tangkap (Arrest Warrant) for the Prime Minister of Malaysia” solidly demonstrates, this blatant and contemptuous course of action is standard operating procedure at Sarawak Report.

Not only is it illegitimate at face value — what with the absence of, amongst others, letterheads, official seals, and watermarking of the word “DRAFT” across the page — especially, considering the claim by Sarawak Report that the document is already “in their [sic.] final draft stages”.
The said “Waran Tangkap” is hence, unverifiable in terms of its authenticity.

It also falls short in the integrity test, in which the simple paraphrased explanation of, “Such a document cannot exist while investigations are still ongoing,” by the Malaysia Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) certainly carries more reasonable appeal and weight in a democratic society than a piece of document written on a word processing program on a generic computer that any child can conjure — all this, while the matter is still under investigation.

Certainly, this is either a case of Sarawak Report and its authors deliberately exploiting this vacuum in understanding of said criteria for evidence gathering and presenting, or it could be a case of Sarawak Report themselves not putting paid these ‘meddlesome’ — for their myopic purposes, at least — criteria.

Clare’s own words strengthen the suspicion that she and Sarawak Report acted recklessly prior to gathering enough prima facie evidence before making any accusations,

“I did attempt earlier this year to present details of the fraudulent activities of PetroSaudi International to Swiss prosecutors, in order that they should be alerted over this criminal matter in good time.

“We informed the prosecutors, through the services of a prominent anti-corruption lawyer, that I had evidence with respect to the money laundering of funds from the Malaysian development fund 1MDB, through named Swiss banks.

At the time the prosecutors responded they did not judge that my evidence was sufficient to proceed with enquiries.”

- Clare Rewcastle Brown

(‘An Open Letter to the Swiss Foreign Ministry in Bern’ — Sarawak Report, June 23, 2015)

[RELATED: BREAKING / SWISS NATIONAL GIVEN 3-YEAR JAIL TERM FOR 1MDB-LINKED BLACKMAIL — “A report published last month in Singaporean daily the Straits Times claimed that Justo had affirmed that the businessman and Clare Rewcastle-Brown, the editor of the Sarawak report, wanted to use the data to “bring down the Malaysian government.” He also said that his interlocutors had evoked the possibility of “modifying the documents”, which Rewcastle-Brown has denied. The country’s anti-corruption agency later said the $700 million was donations, effectively clearing Razak of wrongdoing.” — FultonCounty.COM, August 17, 2015]

[RELATED: CURRENT / CLARE REWCASTLE BROWN’S INTERVIEW ON CHANNEL NEWSASIA REGARDING THE WARRANT FOR HER ARREST — “The Prime Minister has now finally had it announced through the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission that that was not anything to do with 1MDB money, which actually certainly I and I don’t know of any investigative reporters who said it was.” — Clare Rewcastle Brown, August 5, 2015]


[RELATED: CURRENT / JUSTO AND THE EDGE MEDIA GROUP“Yes, we misled him. But that was the only way to get hold of the evidence to expose how a small group of Malaysians and foreigners cheated the people of Malaysia of US$1.83 billion (S$2.5 billion).” — Datuk Tong Kooi Ong and Ho Kay Tat, July 24, 2015]

[RELATED: FOCUS / CLARE REWCASTLE BROWN’S IGNORANCE OF HER OWN COUNTRY’S LEGAL CODES -”11 Obtaining services dishonestly. (2) A person obtains services in breach of this subsection if– (a) they are made available on the basis that the payment has been, is being, or will be made for or in respect of them, (b) he obtains them without any payment having been made for or in respect of them or without payment having been made in full, and (c) when he obtains them, he knows– (i) that they are being made available on the basis described in paragraph (a), or (ii) that they might be, but intends that payment will not be made, or will not be made in full.” — UK FRAUD ACT 2006, August 16, 2015]

[RELATED: FOCUS / CLARE REWCASTLE BROWN’S IGNORANCE OF HER OWN COUNTRY’S LEGAL CODES -”2–Fraud by false representation; (2)A representation is false if — (b)the person making it knows that it is,or might be,untrue or misleading.” — UK FRAUD ACT 2006, August 16, 2015]

[RELATED: EPISODES / DRAMATIS PERSONÆ — WHO’S WHO OF CLARE BROWN — “Therefore, it was only after strikingly similar financial information was submitted in a court hearing related to Abu Bekir’s divorce and then printed in all the Malaysian media, that we too subsequently quoted what the Malaysian media reported had been said in court.” — Clare Rewcastle Brown, January 10, 2015]

Considering that Clare Rewcastle Brown knew herself that the as yet-unidentified “Swiss prosecutors” told her that she had no prima facie to even begin any investigation, how is it that Sarawak Report is now able to mete out the harshest and most damaging ‘Judgments’ in their stead?

Contrived and conjured up based on the mysterious conversion of accusations into facts, these magicalJudgments’ are the main staple used to feed the brains of Clare’s adoring and loyal audience around the world.

Sarawak Report, for all intents and purposes, is certifiably a full-fledged fact-ory’, in which facts are literally manufactured.

Only in the universe of Sarawak Report’s “alternate vision of justice” and its similar mutations, do we see how such abominable actions are consistently and unethically done.

The worrying significance is, that the effect Sarawak Report has on its victims is far from illusory.

Thus, in reflecting over these past few days — and considering the public announcements by the newly appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi that Sarawak Report will be brought in once sufficient prima facie evidence have been gathered — by hindsight, the NINE QUESTIONS Blog is of the opinion that the approach by the Government of Malaysia is — at prima facie — the correct and diligent one, as opposed to Sarawak Report’s reckless ‘conjecturing of conjured conjectures’.

[RELATED: EPISODES / DRAMATIS PERSONÆ — WHO’S WHO OF CLARE BROWN — “Therefore, it was only after strikingly similar financial information was submitted in a court hearing related to Abu Bekir’s divorce and then printed in all the Malaysian media, that we too subsequently quoted what the Malaysian media reported had been said in court.” — Clare Rewcastle Brown, January 10, 2015]

[RELATED: FOCUS / CLARE REWCASTLE BROWN’S IGNORANCE OF HER OWN COUNTRY’S LEGAL CODES -”2–Fraud by false representation; (2)A representation is false if — (b)the person making it knows that it is,or might be,untrue or misleading.” — UK FRAUD ACT 2006, August 16, 2015]

[RELATED: BREAKING / SWISS NATIONAL GIVEN 3-YEAR JAIL TERM FOR 1MDB-LINKED BLACKMAIL — “A report published last month in Singaporean daily the Straits Times claimed that Justo had affirmed that the businessman and Clare Rewcastle-Brown, the editor of the Sarawak report, wanted to use the data to “bring down the Malaysian government.” He also said that his interlocutors had evoked the possibility of “modifying the documents”, which Rewcastle-Brown has denied. The country’s anti-corruption agency later said the $700 million was donations, effectively clearing Razak of wrongdoing.” — FultonCounty.COM, August 17, 2015]

[RELATED: CURRENT / CLARE REWCASTLE BROWN’S INTERVIEW ON CHANNEL NEWSASIA REGARDING THE WARRANT FOR HER ARREST — “The Prime Minister has now finally had it announced through the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission that that was not anything to do with 1MDB money, which actually certainly I and I don’t know of any investigative reporters who said it was.” — Clare Rewcastle Brown, August 5, 2015]

[RELATED: CURRENT / CLARE REWCASTLE BROWN’S INTERVIEW ON CHANNEL NEWSASIA REGARDING THE WARRANT FOR HER ARREST — “The Prime Minister has now finally had it announced through the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission that that was not anything to do with 1MDB money, which actually certainly I and I don’t know of any investigative reporters who said it was.” — Clare Rewcastle Brown, August 5, 2015]

[RELATED: CURRENT / JUSTO AND THE EDGE MEDIA GROUP“Yes, we misled him. But that was the only way to get hold of the evidence to expose how a small group of Malaysians and foreigners cheated the people of Malaysia of US$1.83 billion (S$2.5 billion).” — Datuk Tong Kooi Ong and Ho Kay Tat, July 24, 2015]

The NINE QUESTIONS Blog hopes that the Malaysian Government is able to utilise the evidence presented by the NINE QUESTIONS Panel — available through the NINE QUESTIONS FACEBOOK Page — also follow us on twitter@9Q4SR for updates.

This Blog and its Panelists sincerely hope that Sarawak Report, Clare Rewcastle Brown and others like them currently lurking around masking themselves as ‘whistleblowing crusaders’ will be put out of business for all eternity.

Such a business model that makes a sheer mockery of the course of Justice is ripe for condemnation — not only on the face of it, but also in depth.



Originally published at ninequestionsforsarawakreport.blogspot.com on August 2, 2015.





