DAO PlayMarket 2.0
1 min readJan 11, 2019

PMT Dividend Payout Launched -> CDLT

To receive dividends, you need to transfer PMT tokens to the storage contract and wait for the notification about the start of dividend payment.
In the next updates of the mobile application, we will add a convenient interface for performing these operations.

Now, in order to transfer PMT tokens to a storage contract, you need:
1. Connect the ABI interface ERC20 to the PMT token contract: 0xC1322D8aE3B0e2E437e0AE36388D0CFD2C02f1c9
2. Run the “approve” function as parameters specifying the storage address and the number of tokens: PMT.approve (0xe789578025fC8DFEa42C6Cecb4D42C65fa5B4826, 100000);
100000 = 10 PMT (do not forget about the digit capacity of 4 characters).
3. Connect the ABI storage interface to the storage contract: 0xe789578025fC8DFEa42C6Cecb4D42C65fa5B4826
4. Run the function makeDeposit from the address from which approve: Repository.makeDeposit (100000) was executed;
5. Wait for the notice of the start of payment of dividends.
6. Connect the ABI fund interface to the fund contract: 0xb04A05905Dc94345DCAD4846664001d4818E16D2
7. Execute the getTokens function for calculating dividends: Foundation.getTokens (0,1);
After the function has been completed, the CDLT tokens will be credited to your account in proportion to the number of PMT tokens.
8. Execute the function “withdraw” to display tokens to your cold wallet: Foundation.withdraw (0xA265ac4A788Dc44d3C5CE94B8A8450A45d65be5d, N)
0xA265ac4A788Dc44d3C5CE94B8A8450A45d65be5d is the address of the CDLT token (Crypto Duel).
N — is the number of tokens that can be found by performing the functions: Foundation.getFund (0xA265ac4A788Dc44d3C5CE94B8A8450A45d65be5d, address your wallet).

ERC20 (PMT): https://github.com/CryptonStudio/Playmarket-2.0-ICO-Contracts/blob/master/ABI/DAOPMTTOKEN.abi
Storage: https://github.com/CryptonStudio/PlayMarket-2.0-Contracts/blob/master/ABI/DAORepository.abi
Foundation: https://github.com/CryptonStudio/PlayMarket-2.0-Contracts/blob/master/ABI/PMFund.abi

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