Legendary investors are betting on cryptocurrencies

2 min readJan 2, 2019

Despite the correction state of the cryptocurrency market, many well-known investors are optimistic about the future of cryptocurrencies. Good evidence of this are serious bets on the prospect of growth in the value of both individual tokens and the cryptocurrency industry as a whole.

At one time, the legendary investor Warren Buffett made a bet of $1 million that the S&P 500 stock index will surpass the dynamics of a group of five hedge funds during 10 years back in 2007. Recently, the venture capital firm Morgan Creek has decided to put the same amount on the fact that cryptocurrencies will surpass the S&P 500 over the same period.

According to experts at the correction stage, the market “throws” out from a serious investment game random and non-professional players. Only competent entrepreneurs and serious investors who are capable of creating a stable value of cryptocurrency are remaining.

Billionaire Mike Novograz, in an interview with Bloomberg, made a forecast that in the future the virtual currency market will reach $20 trillion. According to him, in the nearest future the market correction will be completed and there will be an explosive growth to record highs. According to him, the market growth is being hold only by the insufficiently high activity of institutional investors. But this factor will be eliminated as soon as stable and reliable solutions for cryptocurrency storage are developed. And, as we have already mentioned, some US banks are already publicly trading and offering their storage services. This indicates about soon solution of the problem and attracting investors in the medium term.

Syntera is not staying aside from these global changes. We have developed your wallet for convenient and reliable storage of cryptocurrency — White Wallet, very good news about which you will soon find out. In addition, our strategy, even during the market correction, allowed us not only to preserve, but also to increase the price of our SSC cryptocurrency, which speaks of its prospects and great potential. And in the period when the market is entering into the stage of rapid growth, according to our strategy, the cost of SSC will increase even more, bringing profit to our investors. Syntera is a promising trend for those who can look in the future!

