30 days with swift — Day 07 — Last training project

Guilherme Akio Sakae
2 min readMar 8, 2015

Missed the last day, check here:

Second project recap

The second project (playlist app) was great to introduce some design concepts like autolayout and constraints, regarding swift was pretty slow, mostly because they want to teach some basics before and I understand that, the course is aimed at beginners and they need to now that stuff.

It was good to update my knowledge and learn a new trick or two but now it's time to get back to more Swift related stuff, I already started the last course of the track, which is building a weather app. In beginning they are teaching more backend stuff, so far was networking.

Day highlights

  • Consuming APIs: Every app communicates to the outside world in some way, most of the times you have to communicate with APIs, and in Swift it's pretty easy to do that.
  • Access Control: Now we can give access levels to our code, this makes the code more secure, the new access levels are public, internal and private access.

Day Conclusion

Today was pretty quickly, the track is almost over and I'm feeling very productive, my first estimate was to finish the course by Sunday and I think I can do that I only have 3 more "blocks" to finish the course.

But now I have another problem, what I going to do after I finish the course, I said that I want to build a app by the end of the month, I have three weeks to do so and that is not the problem, the problem is: What app I want to build? I have only one day to decided, so I little but of pressure here.

I'm going to think more about that tomorrow, hope you guys are enjoying, thanks!

