Seamless Access to ChatGPT: 5 Must-Try Apps with Your OpenAI API Key

Jake Prins
4 min readApr 14, 2023

The OpenAI API lets developers dive into the awesome world of AI, but many applications require sign-ups and monthly subscriptions to use their services.

Fortunately, some ChatGPT apps allow you to use your personal API key. One advantage of using your API key is skipping the login process, which saves time and creates a more seamless user experience.

But more importantly, using your API key is often much cheaper than subscribing to ChatGPT Plus, as you only pay based on usage instead of being tied to subscription plans. This method allows anyone with an API key to experiment across various ChatGPT-powered applications without incurring additional subscription fees.

In this post, we’ll delve into five applications you can instantly access by simply inputting your OpenAI API key — no monthly fees required. You can obtain one here if you don’t have an OpenAI API key yet.

TeamSmart AI

TeamSmart AI is a Chrome browser extension designed to boost productivity and enhance the ChatGPT experience. It allows you to assemble a team of AI assistants to help you with your daily tasks.

As a Chrome extension that accepts your personal API key, you get immediate access to your AI team with just a click of the icon in your browser. This can save you a significant amount of time.

TeamSmatt AI also features a comprehensive prompt library, making it easy to access high-quality prompts tailored to your chosen AI team member.

As a browser extension, it can scan your current page, enabling you to ask questions about its content instantly. This feature is perfect for those moments when you don’t have time to read an entire blog post like the one you’re reading. Request your AI teammate to summarize the page, and it will present a concise list of the five apps mentioned in this article.


TypingMind is a web application that provides an enhanced user interface for ChatGPT. By inputting your API key, you can access many features not available on, such as a prompt library, character selection, and searching your chats. They recently even added a web search integration.

You can fully customize the settings. The UI can be overwhelming at first, but once you learn the keyboard shortcuts, it becomes a highly effective way of using ChaptGPT.



Although SuperChat is currently in beta and not yet available for direct access, it’s worth mentioning due to its impressive design. This iOS app offers an array of ChatGPT functions, such as character selection, a prompt library, and even travel planning assistance.

While on vacation, SuperChat’s “travel agent” can recommend hotels, cafes, bars, or attractions and automatically provide Google link suggestions for each recommendation.

Stay updated on the app’s availability by following its creator, Laurids, on Twitter. Soon, you can download this visually stunning app on your iPhone and use your own API key to get started.


Blogger AI

Blogger AI is a minimalist content editor that allows you to write, optimize, and rewrite blog posts quickly. Advanced SEO tools and 10+ languages support could help you increase your rankings in search engines.

You can even make your own version of the platform. All prompts used to employ the AI are customizable to fit your needs. It is simple to use and designed nicely. You can use your API key with your controlled usage.

Blogger AI


SwiftGPT is a ChatGPT application specifically designed for Mac users. In addition to allowing you to use your personal API key, it simplifies cost tracking by displaying your expenses within the app. While pay-per-usage fees may be cheap, heavy usage of ChatGPT still brings some costs, so SwiftGPT’s expense tracking is pretty lovely.

The application offers dark mode and a native chat interface that feels familiar and intuitive.



Many AI applications built on ChatGPT aim to profit by reselling OpenAI tokens at marked-up prices. However, some apps let you use your OpenAI API key, making them cheaper, and often don’t require you to log in. With these “bring your own API key”-apps, you only pay for what you use, and most offer additional features with just a one-time purchase.

These applications are available on various devices. In this article, we showcased five different apps, including a Chrome extension, a web app, a mobile app, and a Mac app. All you need to do is input your API key, and you’re ready!

If you know other ChatGPT applications compatible with your API key, please share them in the comments!

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