[Announcement]Duel Cup WPT Series #Season19

Wakao | MCH
MCH | My Crypto Heroes
8 min readAug 3, 2020

Official Duel Cup “WPT”

WPT is Duel Cup series with Winners Point as the reward.

The regulation is below.

*Absolute HRC 10
*for Epic HRC 8
*for Rare HRC 6
*for Uncommon HRC 4

This time, we decided to merge the regulations for Uncommon and below due to the similarity of the regulations to the Challenge Cup.

You can’t use Novice heroes in each regulation.

This WPT will be “Qualifying & Tournament” in one day.
(Finalists: 16)

The Attack Count is 10 and is not updated.

In addition, this will be held in the No Same Hero regulation.
There will be a limit of one same-name hero per team.


Qualifying: August 9th (Sun) 3:00 am 〜 11:00 am (UTC)
Tournament: August 9th (Sun) 11:00 am 〜 12:00 am (UTC)


Qualifying will be carried out with real-time rule, and Tournament will be carried out by the top 16 players of real-time qualifying.

Each of the hero’s rarity qualities “Novice“, “Common” “Uncommon”, “Rare”, “Epic”, and ”Legendary” is set to “Hero Realty Cost”. You need to organize your team so that the sum of your team’s Hero Rarity Costs is within the limit.

■Hero Rarity Costs
*The cost of Rep.Heroes is the same as the original one.

Initial CE consumption

*This duel cup is hosted in 1 day, but there are no changes about enter CE. There are possibilities that we may change this logic next time.

・Minimum:Initial or 60% of Max CE rate.

・How to decrease:decrease about 20% of Max CE rate per one hour.

・How to increase:When someone attacks, 0.5% of the current CE rate increases.

*These numbers are different from each regulation.

【for Legendary】HRC 10

Available Heroes and Extensions

Original Hero: All heroes without Novice
Replica Hero: No
Original Extension: All (Legendary Limit : 1)
Replica Extension: All


・3on3 Battle
・Qualifying(Real-time) + Tournament


Trophy:”HRC master”(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4–10th,111th)

1st-3rd:The right to join King Dragon 2

Winners Point:Yes

【for Epic】HRC 8

Available Heroes and Extensions

Original Hero: Epic / Rare / Uncommon / Common
Replica Hero: No
Original Extension: Epic(Limit : 1) / Rare / Uncommon / Common
Replica Extension: All


・3on3 Battle
・Qualifying(Real-time) + Tounamanet


Trophy:”HRC advance”(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4–10th,111th)

Queen Dragon right:Yes

Winners Point:Yes

【for Rare】HRC 6

Available Heroes and Extensions

Original Hero: Rare / Uncommon / Common
Replica Hero: No
Original Extension: Rare(Limit : 1) / Uncommon / Common
Replica Extension: All


・3on3 Battle
・Qualifying(Real-time) + Tournament


Trophy:”HRC intermediate”(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4–10th,111th)

Prince Dragon right:Yes

Winners Point:Yes

【for Uncommon】HRC 4

Available Heroes and Extensions

Original Hero: Uncommon / Common
Replica Hero: No
Original Extension: Uncommon (Limit : 1)/ Common
Replica Extension: RepA / RepB / RepC / RepD / RepE / RepF


・3on3 Battle
・Qualifying(Real-time) + Tournament


Trophy:”HRC beginner”(1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4–10th,111th)

Princess Dragon right:Yes

Winners Point:Yes

Entry for the Duel Cup

  • You can enter Official Duel Cup / Land Duel Cup from the banner in the “Duel Cup” in the “Battle” tab.
  • You need to edit the team which clears the regulation.
    *You can import the team from Duel Template.
  • You can edit the extensions after finishing to entry.
    *You can’t use replica extensions which are expired.
  • Passive skill of Replica hero which is expired doesn’t happen.
  • In this term, your Duel Point is fluctuated depending on winning or losing. At last, your rank will be determined by your Duel Point.


  • We proclaim to use multiple-account to control your rank. If we find the user to do this, we will deal with the user strictly like account-ban, stripping of Trophy and Winners Point.

Duel Point

  • You start with 300 Duel Points.
  • Duel Point is the score which is fluctuated by the battle result.
  • Duel Point fluctuates when you attack the other players. (When you’re attacked, Duel Point won’t fluctuate.)

You can’t attack who you have already won in the same DAY.

*When you lose, you can try to attack again.


  • The ranking is fluctuating in real-time.

Battle result

  • It will be time-up when the battle reaches 200 rounds.
  • When your battle will be time-up without determining which wins,
    “The player who adds more damages ” will win.
    *If it is the same, the Defense side will win.
  • If both teams are dead in the same round (200 round) because of like “Poison”, Defense side will win.

When you and the other player are the same rank…

  • The player who adds more total-damage in the Duel Cup will be higher rank.
    ※We don’t count the Defense Battle.
  • If the Duel Points and total-damage are the same, who takes less total-damage in the Duel Cup will be higher rank.
    If this is the same, they are dealt as the same rank.
    *So, there is a possibility that we will distribute more amount of rewards than we expected.
    *About rank 111 and 777 trophies, we won’t distribute the same trophies if there are two or more players on the same rank.

Qualifying and the main battles

  • From the start of Day 1 to 11:00 (UTC) on Day 3 is the qualifying period.
    At the end of the qualifying round, the number of top ranked players per event will be eligible to participate in the main tournament.
    At 11:00 on Day 3, the tournament will be arranged and
    If 32 people pass, we’ll start at 11:20 a.m.
    If there are 16 players, start at 11:30.
    From the main round, it will be a tournament style duel.
    There will be a 10 minute preparation period for each Battle phase.
    In the Final Phase, the 2 players who were eliminated in the Semifinals will compete for 3rd place at the same time.

Rule for challenging the same player during Qualifying

  • During Qualifying, you cannot challenge the same player that you’ve already won until the next update timing of Attack Count.
    *You can challenge the player that you lost.

The update timing of Ranking

  • The ranking will be updated in real-time

If Duel Points are equal,

  • The “Total amount of HP damage dealt” will win.
  • If the damage is equal, the less taken damage will win.
    *Battles in defense are not included.
  • Exception: If both the duel point and the damage are equal, the less received damage will win.
    If the received damage is also equal, they are in the same rank.

*If multiple players reach the same rank, they will both be rewarded
*The 111th and 777th trophies will not be granted if there is a player who shares the same ranking

Layout of the main tournament

  • The placement of the main tournament is determined by the final preliminary ranking.
    If they are the same in the preliminary ranking, they are randomly assigned.
  • If there are many people who are in the same group in the preliminary ranking and the number of participants exceeds the number of participants in the main tournament, the participants in the main tournament will be randomly selected.
  • There is a possibility that you will not be able to participate in the main tournament even if you are within the ranking of the main tournament.

↓Arrangement for the 32 person tournament

↓Arrangement for the 16 person tournament

Rankings at the end of the main tournament A

(In a 32 person tournament)

1st place: Winner of the final
2nd place: Loser player of the final
3rd place: Winner of the 3rd place battle
4th place: Loser in the 3rd place battle
5th–8th: BEST8: Players ranked in the highest order of qualifying
9th — 16th place: Top 16 players in qualifying
17–32nd: BEST 32 players will be ranked in descending order of qualifying rank
32nd and above: Ranked from highest to lowest in qualifying, except for Best 32
*The ranking is determined at random when there is a fellow player.

Rankings at the end of the tournament B

(In a 16 person tournament)

1st place: Winner of the final
2nd place: Loser player of the final
3rd place: Winner of the 3rd place battle
4th place: Loser in the 3rd place battle
5–8: BEST8: Players ranked in the highest order of qualifying
9th — 16th place: Top 16 players in qualifying
17th and above: Ranked from highest to lowest in qualifying, except for Best 16
*The ranking is determined at random when there is a fellow player.

Winners Point

  • Please check how many Winners Points you can get in-game information.
  • You can get the right to participate to King Dragon or WP Node when you have Winners Points.

Recommend application

・MCH App

※You can play MCH on the other wallet.
※We recommend the wallet which is cleared the below requirements.
1) Clear Web3 cash by the user.
2) Don’t update in the Duel term.

How to watch the other game

You can watch the battle of the other player from the “Battle Result” in History.

There is a possibility that the content will be changed.

My Crypto Heroes

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