50 Creative Writing Prompts

The Startup
Published in
2 min readJan 14, 2020


Openers to prime the pump

Some days, you need a little something to get the creative juices flowing.

These opening lines work for me.

1. This street was not on the map.

2. I could not run fast enough.

3. She yanked on the door handle, but the lock held.

4. The fire crackled as it approached.

5. The SUV blocked the way ahead.

6. There was silence except for the pounding of rain against the window.

7. He covered his eyes as it got closer.

8. The dog peered from under the fence.

9. Something had changed; she just couldn’t say what.

10. The pigeon flapped away from the bench.

11. A fall from that height could be deadly.

12. He sat quietly by the window.

13. She stuffed as much into the duffle bag as she could.

14. The shed was a recent addition.

15. The question was clearly unwelcome.

16. They made as much noise as they could as they marched.



The Startup

Nonprofit CEO, innovator, internationalist, feminist, creative, hopeful romantic. Student of power. Not that kind of doctor. Smokescreen for the guilty.