Adobe’s AI Could Change the Future of Graphic Design

3 min readJul 26, 2023
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Adobe is one of the leading software companies in the world, providing tools for creative professionals such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. But what if these tools could also create designs by themselves, using artificial intelligence (AI)?

That’s the idea behind Adobe’s Firefly project, which aims to develop an AI-powered graphic design platform that can generate logos, flyers, posters, and other visual content from simple sketches or text inputs. Firefly is part of Adobe’s broader vision of “creative intelligence”, which seeks to augment human creativity with AI capabilities.

But not everyone is excited about this prospect. Some Adobe employees have expressed concerns that Firefly could kill graphic designer jobs and undermine the company’s business model, which relies on selling software licenses to individual users and organizations. They worry that Firefly could make graphic design too easy and accessible, reducing the demand for professional designers and Adobe’s products.

However, Adobe’s executives have a different view. They believe that Firefly will not replace designers, but rather empower them to work faster and better, by automating tedious tasks and providing inspiration and feedback. They also argue that Firefly will not cannibalize Adobe’s existing products, but rather…

