Getting my shit together 

5 new weekly habits

Dan Polaske
2 min readJan 28, 2014

I am stuck in a rut. Both professionally and personally. I am going to fix that by adding some structure to my week. I came up with a list of 5 things I want to accomplish each week that should help me get back on track. These easy habits may also be the perfect addition to your busy week.

1. Blog post
I blog every once in a while, but not as consistently as I would like. Weekly posts will get me writing more and force me to finalize my stray thoughts. Blogging helps you scale your thoughts, ideas and personality. I strongly believe blogging will be important to me now and in the long term. I will be blogging here, and tech related posts here.

2. Coffee with a stranger
Building relationships is essential to life. Plain and simple. These weekly stranger coffees will be mostly business related, as I need to make more connections in the tech industry. You never know how important a random coffee meeting can be to your career/life in the long run.

3. Talk to a random girl
I have struggled lately meeting new girls. Mostly, because I just haven’t put myself out there enough. So each week I will talk with a random girl I see on the bus, street, coffee shop, market, or anywhere.

4. Run
I want to make running a weekly habit because it is awesome for idea generation. I usually run first thing in the morning. When I run my mind goes into a weird place. At first I focus on my running, but the strides become so repetitive my body goes into auto pilot and my mind wanders. Am I crazy? Or do other people have a similar experience? This wandering mind combined with being only half awake creates an awesome mindset for ideas and problem solving.

5. Get hammered
Yup! Making a conscious effort to get wasted once a week will be very important to my success for 2 reasons. The first is very similar to why I run once a week. Being drunk helps you drop the rules and restrictions your mind automatically places on your idea generation. I have found some of these drunk ideas can be awesome, but sometimes quite terrible. As always I write the idea down and evaluate the next day. The second is to help me stay focused. I have found that if I go out and have a few drinks with friends at least once a week, I am able to stay focused easier the rest of the week. Kinda like a cheat day, but with booze.


