My Life’s Detour: Finding Happiness the Hard Way

How You Can Learn From My Major Mistake

joelene wolfe
Thrive Global


Like many people, I worked successfully in the corporate world for twenty plus years. Most people would commend me and think it was great, but not me. To me this “accomplishment” seemed more like a twenty year sentence than a career.

You see, I grew up in a traditional hard-working household. My dad worked at two companies for the majority of his life and my mom, primarily a stay-at-home mom, worked a few hours a week to get away from us (which now I completely understand).

And THAT was the mentality — you got a “good job” to make “decent money” and you worked hard to climb the corporate ladder. I didn’t know any differently. I plead ignorance.

What I DID know was at the age of three I wanted to be two things. Are you ready for this? I aspired to be an actor and a kangaroo. No really it’s true I wanted to be an actor. Well truth be told, the kangaroo thing wasn’t meant to be. However, as far as being an actor, I took classes through the years but it was just a dream and dreams don’t come true. Right?

I always did the right thing and I was determined to be successful. So, after high school instead of following my dream, I decided to go to college for finance. It seemed safe and I could make good…



joelene wolfe
Thrive Global

Mom, Actor, Writer, Marketer & motivator. Just taking life one step at a time and enjoying every minute. 💕💕