My Bully Owned My Teacher Until I Called for the Family Superhero

Are There Rules About Fighting Back?

Tom Owens: How I REALLY Feel!
Published in
9 min readJan 27, 2024


Do bullies terrorize most when they have audiences? My bully’s biggest wish, I think, was not to get caught.
(Senior Airman Tabatha Zarrella
, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons)

Pain plus giggles.

My pain. His giggles.

That was the common routine with fourth-grade bully Timothy Snodgrass.

This was his first year at our school. He came from a different part of town, a different state, or maybe even a different planet.

All I knew was that he was larger than any of us. Timothy (name changed) stood three inches taller. Plus, he had a 20-pound advantage over me.

He hurled me back-first into a row of lockers. I tried shoving him in return, but telephone poles don’t move. I fell down again.

Timothy loved tripping people. He sent me sailing when I was headed to the pencil sharpener on the wall.

“Heehee,” he’d snicker with high-pitched glee.

Why did he act this way? That was only one mystery that tormented me. The other puzzle involved my teacher, whom I’ll call “Miss T.”

Miss T looked ready to retire. Her face was a mixture of boredom and exhaustion. Smiles were few and fleeting.



Tom Owens: How I REALLY Feel!

As “Thomas S. Owens,” he authored 50-plus children’s books. As Tom, he debates day jobs on Twitter. Now, on Medium, buckle up. Tell-all Tom is here!