Lego Set 28 — Zeus

Francisco Duarte
4 min readAug 15, 2021


Given that these sets started as miniatures for the wargame Mobile Frame Zero, which uses Lego miniatures to represent the troops as a default, some people have been asking me what do I do to use these BattleMechs in that system. I thought today was the right time to bring this forward. As stated before, the ability of these models to work in BattleTech-based systems is up to the users, as they are quite larger than the actual miniatures, which you should acquire anyhow — they’re awesome. But, first, let’s talk a bit about today’s ‘Mech.

The Zeus is one of the main staples of the Lyran Commonwealth. Starting production at the onset of the First Succession War, it was one of the last ‘Mechs to be developed until the technological renaissance of the early 31st century. Right from the start, it became respected for its incredible firepower, even though the armor is lackluster for such a heavy ‘Mech.

Due to its advanced communications suite, the Zeus is also a good choice for a command ‘Mech for lances and companies. Versatile and capable, it was developed into new more advanced forms as soon as new technology became available, and even into the ilClan Era it remained a mainstay of the Lyran Armed Forces.

Using more than 70 parts, this is a solid model, that can easily stand on its own.

Regarding these models’ use in MFZ, I have attempted several ways to give the simple mechanics of that game a more BT-like feel but always failed to do so and retain the natural balance of MFZ at the same time. Because the latter uses a mechanic where each ability relates to a system mounted on the ‘Mech, which is translated into a die to be spent on its turn, the natural balance is easy to disturb. So, I eventually scrapped all of my ideas, and now I simply use a straightforward construction system, which gives some semblance of BT-like combat.

First, the light and medium ‘Mechs can only have 3 systems, but the light ‘Mechs MUST include a Movement system among those 3. Moreover, heavy and assault ‘Mechs have 4 systems, but assaults MUST include a Defense system among those 4. Thus, light ‘Mechs have the most mobility, while the assaults have more armor, but their mobility is somewhat limited because one system is forcibly Defensive, and the others are usually weapons.

For vehicles, light and medium vehicles use 2 systems, while heavy and assault vehicles use 3. Moreover, aerospace fighters must ALWAYS include a Movement system among their systems and it must be the last one to be destroyed — you can apply this rule to VTOLs too. Light fighters use 2 systems, mediums 3, and heavy fighters 4.

This is it. This is how I do it. You can stop asking now *wink*

As you may imagine, this only provides a slight semblance of BattleTech combat, but I think it is the best that can be done without adding so many rules you ought to be playing Alpha Strike instead. If you intend to do that, just go play Alpha Strike, you’ll be better served. It is hard to make the Clan ‘Mechs feel any different from the Inner Sphere ones, too. But, again, this is just an aesthetical mod for MFZ anyhow. MFZ uses what was once described as mathematical golems, whilst BattleTech games are more differentiated in that regard.

Also, by this point, you may be asking yourself “wait, then why doesn’t the Zeus have a Defense system?” This is because this is one of those assault ‘Mechs that is woefully under armored — it is essentially a heavy ‘Mech with extra weight. Furthermore, I think there’s an amount of common sense to impart to these quite loose rules. As a command ‘Mech, the Zeus simply works better with two Spotting systems, in my opinion.

If you haven’t and are thus confused with what I’m babbling here, you should check on Mobile Frame Zero: Rapid Attack. Wonderful game, fun and easy to learn.

If you are confused about what BattleMechs and BattleTech are, on the other hand, you should absolutely check that. One of the most immersive and expansive wargame settings out there. The games are good fun, too.

So, tell me what you like about these games, and how my rules work out for you. Let me know if you have any advice and ideas of your own too.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: