Illustrated by Sebastian T. Siggerud

Character Behaviours in The Last Guardian and How to Design Them (No Spoilers!)

A biological breakdown of AI in video games


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On this episode we take a spoiler-free look at the game design of The Last Guardian, and more specifically the biology of Trico’s behaviour! It’s an exciting journey from the second the behaviour occurs, all the way back to millennia before. All while examining what caused it to happen. And it illustrates how we can use behaviours to communicate in the medium of video games.

What follows below is a lightly edited transcript.

Welcome to On Human Design. I’m your host, Marius Holstad. It’s a bit hard to define what I do, because I do a wide variety of things. I’d call myself a norwegian game designer, but I’ve worked as a gameplay programmer for two years. Anyway, my latest venture is podcasting! On Human Design is a podcast and a place online that is focused on figuring out how…



Marius Holstad

I make games so we can better understand our feelings. I respectfully urge you who study the mystery, don't pass your days and nights in vain. GAME ON 💪