Building a winning team in Adshares

3 min readMar 1, 2018


In February we have focused our efforts on that which has the highest value, meaning: establishing business partnerships in the advertising industry, so that we can further expand our understanding of the advertising market.

When you want to cut a tree you need to spend a few minutes sharpening your hatchet, but when you want to cut down a forest full of strong trees, you need to build an extremely strong team of master lumberjacks, and they all need to have a well organized toolkit.

Maciej Pilarczyk has joined our team as the Product Owner and is managing and leading the direction of business solutions development. What we cannot quite comprehend is that all developers love Maciej’s care for detail, his keeping the order in development process and expectation of timely product delivery.

Tomek Grzechowski has joined our team as The Harmonizer and is supporting us in building a strong engineering team; both on-site and with our partners. Tomek is specializing in building learning organizations. You can ask him any questions about team building on his AMAFeed. He is also actively supporting development of key elements of our advertising system.

We are the real deal

We have full understanding of the situation on the cryptocurrency market — the doubts, ifs and the wrongs; as well as the rights! However our approach to this matter is a completely different animal. We want our cryptocurrency to move up in the world, following our effort to build our top-quality advertising product, so that it becomes one of the most popular blockchains on the market. This is a long term strategy, and we know how to get there. It takes time, patience and making the right moves — we want you to believe that we are set on the right course. We are the winning team.

Partnership with the data provider

We reached an agreement, and are in the final stages of working out the integration with a major player in the user data delivery market. Access to user profiling data is one of the missing resources that is needed to launch Adshares Network. We have identified multiple shared interests with this selected player, and we aim for a long term strategic cooperation. Once all formalities are finalized, we will share a detailed update with you.

Good things come to those who wait

Start of our blockchain is going to be delayed. We are discussing multiple improvements, including code refactoring,optimizations and audits. Once this is done we will share the good news with you. With the key elements pushed for production, we will start Continuous Delivery of this project.

The Art of being Lucky

There are rules of luck: it is not all chance with the wise: it can be assisted by care. Some content themselves with placing them-selves confidently at the gate of Fortune, waiting till she opens it. Others do better, and press forward and profit by their clever boldness, reaching the goddess and winning her favour on the wings of their virtue and valour. But on a true philosophy there is no other umpire than virtue and insight; for there is no luck or ill-luck except wisdom and the reverse.

Baltasar Gracián

We believe we are the lucky ones ❤




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