ETH Travel Token Pre-Sale Is Closing SOON in 3 Days

ETH Travel (ETHTT)
2 min readJun 13, 2018


Ethereum Travel Token’s much anticipated Pre-ICO sale will be closing soon in less than 3 days. The Pre-ICO sale will only be open for the first 5000 buyers who will be liable to receive additional bonus tokens on their purchases during the Pre-sale period. A total of 1 Billion ETH travel tokens will be available through the Pre-ICO, which will be distributed to the first 5000 buyers respectively.

Ethereum Travel Token is disrupting the conventional travel system by presenting a blockchain based and decentralized ecosystem that is integrated with federation protocols like SAML, OAuth, WS-TRUST/FED, built on ERC20 technology to allow the travelers to book or manage their travel reservations in Airlines, Hotels, and Car Rental Industries. The Ethereum Travel Tokens offered during the ICO, will serve as a primary payment system for all the transactions on the platform such as bookings & reservations. The platform will enable peer to peer integration between the traveler and the travel industries.

While the Pre-ICO of ETH Travel token is planned for 11 days, the main ICO will last for 30 days, starting from 1st July till 30th July 2018. A total of 10 Billion ETH tokens will be produced, out of which a total of 6 Billion Ethereum Tokens(ETHTT) will be available through the Initial Offering. Every participant in the Pre-ICO must contribute at least 1 ETH. One billion ETH Travel Tokens will proportionately be distributed to first 5000 ETH Travel Token buyers respectively. The base price of 1 ETH is equal to 10000 ETHTT.

The ETH Travel Token aims to overcome the shortcomings of the conventional travel industry that involves a number of middlemen who charge high commissions as well as the issues of the excessive transactions fees, overcharging the travelers and storing the traveler’s data in a centralized database that could be altered, modified or charged. The slow and lengthy processes followed by the intermediary are another issue prevalent in the existing travel industry. The introduction of ETH Travel token will eliminate all these limitations by integrating latest technologies like blockchain, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big data for ensuring the best experience for the travelers.

The success of the ICO will ensure that ETH Travel Token is implemented successfully in the market for allowing direct connection between the travel and travel industries, user’s data security, secure and fast transactions as well as reducing the overall cost of travel for the travelers. More information about the ETH Travel platform and the ongoing Pre-ICO can be found at our website ETHTravel.










