
3 min readJun 4, 2018


The advantages and disadvantages of banner advertising

Internet banner advertising is a web marketing tool with its advantages and disadvantages. Today we’ll look at both sides of this advertising method.

The key advantage of banners in comparison with classical forms is accurate targeting. Your advertisements will be shown only on specific sites. This will ensure accurate targeting of the key audience.

Let’s take for example the AdCrypto media network, which specializes in cryptocurrencies related websites. With its help, any crypto project can tell the target audience about itself using carefully selected advertising platforms and attract a potential investor.

Another advantage of banner advertising is flexibility and interactivity. Unlike advertising on radio or television, the user can interact with it: to check attendance or straight switch to the advertiser’s site.

Among other advantages of banner advertising are:

- Opportunity to significantly increase the resource attendance and / or the volume of sales in the shortest possible time.

- Detailed statistics of impressions and conversions allow you to analyze and timely adjust the strategy.

- Combination of corporate and selling functions, visual image creation of the company or product by users;

- Constant feedback with specialists who will help to effectively conduct an advertising campaign;

- Determined positions of ads display.

For example, in the AdCrypto media network, advertisers can customize their advertising campaigns, control and regulate budgets, and also check the results directly on the website in their personal account.

Let us move on to the disadvantages of banner advertising.

The main one is its comparative expensiveness. If placement on thematic sites with low and average attendance will not be too expensive, then, the costs for banners on the largest Internet sites are comparable with the prices for radio and television advertising. But this problem can be easily solved with competent cost planning, which in most cases sets the minimum tolerable for the client level, and simultaneously the process of profitability and payback is constantly increasing.

Another disadvantage is the negative image, formed due to abuse of banner advertising by some resources. Currently, it is possible to block almost any advertisement with the browser, plug-ins, extensions and special programs. Therefore, the user may not see your advertisement. In addition, it is worth keeping in mind the fact that immediately after the end of the advertising campaign the flow of visitors to the website will reduce.

In the conditions of severe competition and oversaturation of the Internet with visual and textual information, the creativity and originality of your advertising become crucial. Be bright, experiment and surprise! Get the word out loud — so that it is noticed by all your potential investors and customers. And then, no doubt, you will succeed!

As for the crypto projects, now, in relation to prohibitions on advertising by such companies like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Bing and Yandex there is only media networks left. Like AdCrypto, which specialized on cryptocurrencies related websites. With its help, a crypto project can emerge itself from the shadows and find potential investors.

