One Simple Technique To Cure Constipation

This poop therapy will take less than 5 minutes of your busy morning routine

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

In our society, pooping is the last thing anyone wants to talk about. It is considered a no-no topic so people usually avoid discussing problems related to it. Pooping (even now, I am trying to make it sound cute) is one of the basic functions of the human body. You need to poop at least once in 24 hours to maintain good health and vitality.

Someone who poops fewer than 3 times a week is considered constipated, but a person can have bowel movements and still be constipated. If you don't have the feeling of lightness after pooping, then this may be the sign that you need to go again.

Everyone reading this article has suffered from the pain of chronic constipation at some point in their life. The feeling of heaviness, bloating and the unbearable stench of gas that makes you want to puke are unmissable effects of constipation.

Our fast-paced modern lifestyle is the major culprit behind constipation. People are so busy nowadays that they don't even have time to drop a deuce. It is extremely necessary for a long, healthy life that you do number two daily.

Here are some of the causes of constipation:-

Poor Dietary Habits



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

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