The 3-Word Phrase That Has Always Helped Me Through Bad Times

And can help you as well

Neeramitra Reddy
In Fitness And In Health
3 min readMay 30, 2021


Photo by Danya Gutan from Pexels

The past two weeks have been bad for me. Pretty bad.

I lost my grandpa to COVID. My fitness regimen went to the dogs. I had an altercation with a loved one. I relapsed after 2 months of abstaining from porn. Mindless social media scrolling became the norm and my productivity hit rock bottom.

Well, with the pandemic around, nobody’s having a great time.

In my country India, though, covid’s raging — tens of thousands dying every day, lockdowns everywhere, a dire shortage of hospital beds and oxygen cylinders. And to top it off, getting a vaccine slot has become a “fastest fingers first” game.

Given the highly unpredictable nature of life, adversity can strike when we least expect it to. There’s no way to magically erase hard times from our life but there are ways to find solace in them.

And a simple three-word phrase helps me do that every single time.

Bad Times Always Precede Good Ones

Life is like a sine wave that rises above the axis every time it dips below it. So every period of suffering precedes one of bliss.

