The best photos made by French protesters raging against Labour reforms, today.

Homeland Is Not A Series.
Homeland Is Not a Series.
4 min readMar 31, 2016


Each week, people around the world take streets of their cities to remind their governments that their voices matter. In this series I want to collect the best images from protests around the world.



Two weeks ago I wrote the first photo report on protests across France against Labour reforms. Back then it was a relatively peaceful protests with few clashes with police. However the situation is escalating now with more people on the streets being ready to do everything to stop the reforms introduced by a socialist minister El Khomri. You can find a Google Maps screenshot of different places where the protests are going right now (31st of March).

Current protest MAP:

These are demonstrations in port city of Marsille. PHOTO by | INSTAGRAM

The clashes with police erupted in French city of Rennes in country’s North — West.

This is French city of Lyon. Photo by Fabrice Caterini/Inediz
Protester vs. Police. Photo by c | INSTAGRAM

Students used self-made shields in clashes with police in the city of Lyon, South of France.

Students use placards as a shield against the police rubber bullets in Lyon. Photo by Fabrice Caterini/Inediz

What’s Happening?

French Labour minister Myriam El Khomri has introduced new law that will leave employees in a very precarious situation. Employers will be able to fire or reduce the number of hours (therefore salary as well) of their employees much more easily.

The demonstration have been going for two months already. The French authorities are desperately trying to battle high unemployment in the country, and have suggested cutting overtime pay for work beyond 35 hours.

Clashes and burning tires next to Hotel De VIlle in the city of Caen, North of France. PHOTO by | INSTAGRAM
Strasbourg. | PHOTO by | INSTAGRAM


“None of the promises made by Hollande before him being elected were fulfilled. Moreover he decided to continue the same unfair reforms that previous government did.” — Pierre, journalist, Paris.

“You don’t see the largest protests in the nation — if everything is okay. You see it only when country is in deep trouble. And to tell you frankly — that’s the situation in France right now.” ~ Nadine, waiter/student, Lille.


More than 260 protests are taking place in France.

Worst clashes with police took place at Paris’s Gare de Lyon, where tear gas was used.

Parliament is set to vote on the reforms in late April or early May.

A recent poll found that 58 per cent of the French public oppose the measures.

What People at Protest Say?

One student from Lille told that the new law will mean that she will have to work longer hours for less money. “We already live in a very deep economic crisis and I personally find it hard to save money at all. But the government continues to pressure us with new policies.”

“Overall Hollande’s government has failed to fulfil the promises he is given to use when he was elected. We thought that the socialist government will reduce unemployment, but it expanded unemployment even more” — said courier Marcel.

Middle of France. Photo by | INSTAGRAM
Middle of France. Photo by | INSTAGRAM
Lycee in the city of Niort. PHOTO by| INSTAGRAM

What Can Happen?

The vote is set in late April or early May. There is no doubt that the demonstration will continue to take place and there’s also a big probability that they may escalate even more becoming more violent.

Two weeks ago, when I made the first photo report about these rallies against Labour reforms — the photos rarely showed any violence or brutality. This time it’s much more violent, large and sometimes even brutal. Watch this space to see how #loitravail events unfold in the coming weeks.

This post wouldn’t be possible without of help of great ‘Instagrammers’ who agreed to share their photos to make this post.


You Can Check Great Photo From the Previous Labour Protest Here:

There Are Also Great Pics From #BlackLivesMatter Protest in Toronto:



Homeland Is Not A Series.
Homeland Is Not a Series.

Blogging about justice and freedom. Photo documenting protests. Pitch us on Facebook.