Planning Upcoming Travels

1 min readDec 25, 2017


As we wind down the new year, I am looking forward to a few things that are just on the Horizon — perhaps most notably is my upcoming travels that I have planned.

On January 9th, I leave from Phoenix to New York City. I will be spending a week in NY, couch surfing at different friends’ houses, and freelancing my way.

On January 16th, I leave NYC and fly to Barcelona, where I will be spending 8 days staying with friends and traveling around Europe. I have never been to Spain, so super excited to eat great food and explore the scene.

On January 24th, I exit Spain and head to Singapore, where I will be for 4 days. I have never been to Singapore (or East Asia whatsoever) so I am really excited for the upcoming culture shock.

On January 28th, I fly from Singapore to Hong Kong. I am going to be studying abroad in Hong Kong, which will serve as my “base camp” for a host of travels in and around Asia.

Meanwhile, I am packing, preparing and getting excited to leave the country. This journey will be awesome (and challenging) and I a cannot wait to embark on it.

Let me know if you have any tips!

Originally published at

