The Ultimate Guide to Successful Meetings

What I learned after 30 years of attending, running, and facilitating meetings — painful and memorable ones.

Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture


Source: Adobe Stock

If you are reading this is because, just like me, you don’t want to waste your time and talent.

You are trying to make a difference, but meetings get in your way.

Always jumping from one conference call to another — from a brainstorm session to a status report — sucks your energy and time.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Most executives spend 40–50% of their working hours in meetings. And most professionals agree that, at least, 50% of that time is wasted.

I could bombard you with more stats like this. Blaming meetings for our lack of productivity is an easy way out.

Meetings are not the problem — unnecessary, poorly designed ones are the issue.

Collaborative meetings are key to move projects forward. They are vital for areas such as product development, marketing, design, and innovation that rely heavily on teamwork across disciplines.

This post is a long, in-depth one — you can read it in order or jump to a specific section using the table of content below.



Gustavo Razzetti
Fearless Culture

For latest stories, subscribe: I help teams have courageous conversations. Author of Remote, Not Distant