Dawn of a new Data Economy

Christian Junger
Published in
3 min readNov 5, 2018

As the digital transformation continues to disrupt industries, social constructs and individual life’s, data seems to be the resource we constantly need more and more of to improve and develop technologies that help us manage the very same transformation we create our self. Access to data is, however, often limited — partly for legal reasons, partly because of the factual data sovereignty of state and private authorities. The amount of useful, high-quality data must be significantly increased without violating personal rights, the right to control one’s own data or other fundamental rights.

An open data market as proposed in a position paper by our partner BITMi for the data economy of tomorrow is key to create the infrastructure and data model standardization needed for a frictionless exchange of non-personal information data between industry, research, and the public sector. But also personal information holds value, especially when put into context, which is why it is so important to propose solutions to the challenges GDPR holds for the new data economy. This is where emerging technologies like blockchain and trusted execution environments will play a major role in the future. While Microsoft has started to see the importance of such technology and hence filed this patent, we at MADANA have had our patent already pending.

For Europe to not fall behind GAFA and BAT we need innovation that lifts our data economy to the levels of our competitors, without giving up our hard-earned rights and values we have been able to achieve so far. It is, therefore, a positive sign to see Berlin, the geographical heart of Europe, forming the biggest Blockchain Hub in the world. With innovation that comes from projects such as Lisk, Ocean Protocol and MADANA. Europe has a clear path towards a democratic and self-governing data economy through innovation that is definitely worth supporting. This way we will have a European answer to the challenges and obstacles of a fair and privacy ensuring data economy, in turn positioning Europe once again as the leading figure for the right thing to do.

Enabling Privacy-Centric Data-Driven Business Models

The time for privacy-centric data-driven business models which are GDPR compliant by design is now. In order to achieve that we are in need of new infrastructure technologies that, not only enable GDPR but also solve the Big Data problems of today, such as data model standardization and governance.

We at MADANA are working on such an approach for the next era of Data Economies, one where we enable future business models to act in a privacy-centric manner and offer new digital services, through the use of fair data sharing and processing which in turn result in new analysis results.

However, in the data analysis domain, most data will be collected automatically over time, wherein the data producer is the legal data subject. This enables us to have an easy and transparent process for managing individual consent for data analysis.

In a nutshell, MADANA is currently working on providing:

• A privacy-protecting and GDPR compliant way to store and analyze data

• Giving back control of ones data/digital identity

• Enabling privacy-centric data-baes business models

• An open platform enabling new ways to analyze data

• An intuitive way to give and revoke consent to use any data

• Fairness by clearly defined rules and transparent incentives

Our patent-pending technology which we describe in our White Paper, alongside a multitude of use cases for different industries (Page 38), one particularly interesting Industry that stands out is IoT, as we make reference to the report on workshop for security and privacy in IoT by the European Commission in 2017. This use case shows how MADANA is able to enable IoT businesses to process sensitive end-user data and comply with the baselines of IoT security and privacy discussed in this workshop.

Generally speaking, it is of utmost importance to support and subsidize infrastructure technologies to continue a healthy growth rate for the European digital businesses and to not lose the competitive edge in data-based business models. Moreover not falling behind foreign regions in important development that requires open access to data in the scientific, private and public sector.

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Christian Junger

CEO & Co-Founder at MADANA - Market for Data Analysis. Co-Founder of Bitcoin Aachen. Early Lisk Supporter. Blockchain Enthusiast and Entrepreneur.