Lego Set 37 — Uller / Kit Fox

Francisco Duarte
2 min readNov 28, 2021


When the Clans invaded the Inner Sphere, they brought with them weapons of warfare leaps and bounds ahead of anything the powers in their path could muster. This included Mechs carrying arsenals allowing them to punch way above their weight. Like the Uller!

Equipped with a Gauss Rifle in the base configuration, this light mech could potentially decapitate even the larger assault machines available to either side of the war. Furthermore, it was fast and nimble, even if a bit light on the armor. The main feature, though, was the Omni technology, which allowed armies to mix and match the equipment of their machines at will.

Such concepts were a rude awakening to the Inner Sphere powers. They managed to band together and overcome the highly advanced and well-trained invaders due to sheer numbers if nothing else. However, it was a hard-fought battle, peaked by the confrontations in Luthien and Tukayyid.

I always liked the Uller. Small, compact, and lethal, it is everything a war machine should be. It does look good, too, with a rounded hull and a squat pose, compared to the tall and lanky designs of some other BattleMechs. The big guns in the arms just bring everything together.

My first contact with the design was during my MechWarrior 2 times, as I spent more time reading the manual than playing the game itself. But the lore of Battletech always fascinated me. The write-up for the Uller and the technical drawings were really fun. I do find it interesting that it makes the lighter element of the Jade Falcon triad in the early phases of the invasion, the other parts being the Thor and the Loki (a build for another time).

The model takes 35 parts and comes together in a really simple fashion. Compared to other bird-walker Clan designs it is stable enough as is and shouldn’t require a base. This set comes in Clan Hell’s Horses’ colors. That is a clan that I really like and should make more sets for them in the future. Possibly tanks, as they are known as the tank clan.

Food for thought. Let me know what you think, leave a comment if you like. The next build should come on Wednesday and should be another ship.



Francisco Duarte

I’m a sci-fi and fantasy author who wrote for several game IPs and penned “Heather: a kaiju novel.” You can buy me a coffee: