AF Bonanno
Homeland Security
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2014


Counter Narratives of Acceptance & Tolerance Could Help Deter Violent Extremists in America

Integrating news approaches in counter narrative strategies could go a long way in helping to deter violent extremism in America. To this end, we need stronger opinions of acceptance and tolerance, not messages of fear from having to be politically correct at every turn. We need stronger leaders who are willing to be the voice of a counter narrative against Islamists, Neo Nazi’s, and extreme environmentalists – that counters the narrative of violent extremists in general in America.

By working with leaders of all stripes throughout communities across America, we can create stronger voices who are willing to rise up against extremists who prefer to recruit and send terrorists to do their political bidding. By creating a counter narrative, then there isn’t one side of the story that we constantly hear in the news and read throughout social media. Communities need to take it upon themselves to encourage those with strong, moderate voices to help spread the word of tolerance, resilience, cooperation, and acceptance. These types of messages need to be heard so that we can diminish the noise of negativity and the call to arms to wage political war within our borders.

It’s healthy to share opinions and ideas in communities in America. It is what makes us stronger than other nations. So why have we waited so long for the federal government to create counter messages for us? Why is it just their job to handle what’s going on in places around the United States since 9/11? Or why hasn’t anyone come out to speak against the lack of tolerance they see in some communities across America? Why are we still so judgmental in general and quick to point out the flaws of others…. Except when it comes to tackling violent extremists in America? We need a new tactic to deter violent extremists, quickly.

I make this a call to other leaders in communities throughout America. Leaders of all types in a community include mayors, religious leaders, civic leaders, congressmen, assemblymen, influential business owners, youth leaders, and strong leaders in universities and colleges and people at local community centers. We don’t need to rely on politically elected people to provide the counter narrative to violent extremism in America. Anyone can stand up and speak out against violent extremism and help relay the importance of acceptance, tolerance, and nonjudgmental ideals. So, why hasn’t there been more of this in communities across America? Because fear exists.

I get it. But it’s time to stand up for our country, to bring it back from fear and into light, into tolerance, and into acceptance. Let us try cooperation. Accepting of others and their beliefs is what this country was founded upon. By strengthening these ideals and speaking about them in communities, we can spread the work of tolerance, resilience, and acceptance, and also of cooperation. There is so much finger-pointing going on, in general, especially now that elections have come and gone. There are depressed and bullied individuals right now who seek revenge to right the wrongs that have been done to them. They seek a vengeful attack to empower themselves. However, if we preach tolerance of one another and if we teach people the value of being resilient in the face of adversity, there is no need to seek revenge against others to overcome personal vendettas.

Individuals seek extremist groups because others have done them wrong, they have been made to feel weak, and they have been made to feel useless, powerless, and stupid. By teaching tolerance, acceptance, and resilience in a society – in schools, religious centers, throughout the community, then the need to seek revenge against others, to feel powerful, and strong should desist. We can deter violent extremism in America by strengthening the communities in which we live. We can push back against Al-Qaeda, and ISIS, and Neo Nazi’s, and liberal environmentalists and all sorts of extremists by helping others to stop the judgments and start the acceptance. Stop pointing the finger at others for their wrongdoings and start looking at yourself for what you can do better. We can create the messages of tolerance and acceptance if we all take a breath and move forward, toward positivity. We all have to live in this world together, let us create a healthy environment and be more accepting and tolerant of others and their opinions.



AF Bonanno
Homeland Security

New Yorker, Army Guardsman, Homeland Security professional, living abroad, loving life