Qilin Token (Qt.) Economy

Qilin Market
2 min readNov 15, 2017


“Qilin.Market” is decentralized platform for exchanging goods with cryptocurrencies with unique approach based on smart contracts escrow. All arrangements within “Qilin.Market“ between parties are made with Qt.

Qilin Token (Qt. or QILIN) — digitally signed right to claim «Qilin.Market» services that is used as a guarantee deposit for setting up deals. It is a digital asset that can be freely held and transferred in any ERC20 compatible wallet. It also can be used to get discount on product prices for customers.

“Qilin Market” model creates a constant circulation of Qt. to ensure settlements between all market participants: Sellers need Qt. to confirm new orders and reward Merchants, Delivery services need Qt. to deposit an escrow, Merchants receive Qt. as a reward from Sellers, Buyers receive discounts.


Need Tokens to:

  • Reward Merchants for product sales
  • Cover deal deposits to sell products on “Qilin.Market”


Selling Tokens to:

  • Maintain operation costs in fiat world

Delivery Services

Buying Tokens to:

  • Cover delivery deposits to get orders on “Qilin.Market”

Selling Tokens to:

  • Cover costs of returns from received Deal Deposits


Using Tokens to:

  • Get discounts for product prices

Token used by platform as fuel to maintain settlements between project participants. Qt. represents inherent value backed by real goods consumption.

This is recognized to be a tremendous organic exchange flow of Qt. on a scale of global e-commerce market.

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Qilin Market

Decentralized marketplace enabling on-line shopping with cryptocurrencies using smart contracts escrow http://qilin.market