Must watch films for crypto enthusiasts

Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2018

While cryptocurrency market is collapsing, why not give yourself a break, sit down and indulge in some of our top pick crypto films.

It has been a dramatic ups and downs for the revolutionary internet money, Bitcoin, since its inception in 2008. Be that as it may, if you are still skeptical about how cryptocurrency works or what is the Bitcoin hype all about, there’s nothing better than a good documentary to address all your questions and fascinate you. With that said, here is a list of the top documentaries and TV shows every cryptocurrency trader and investor needs to watch. You will not just learn about Bitcoin. Watching them will also explain reasons as to why it was started and how the traditional banking system works. So let’s get started…

1. Banking on Bitcoin (2016)

This is a documentary available on Netflix, which tells the story of Bitcoin since its inception. We particularly recommend this film in regards of it explains the basic concepts and ideas behind Bitcoin (as both an open and decentralized ledger rather than a currency as well as an ambitious social experiment).

A perfect pick for people who is new to crypto. The film presents short interview clips with early adopters of Bitcoin, demonstrates the mysterious identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, and starred many early adopters of bitcoin, including Charlie Shrem, Erik Voorhees, Gavin Andresen, David Chaum, and the Winklevoss twins.

2. Bitcoin: The End of Money as We Know It (2015)

This 60 minutes long documentary was released in 2015 and it features in-depth explanations on how Bitcoin and the blockchain technology will disrupt the traditional financial system. It interviews well-known icons in the cryptosphere such as Andreas Antonopoulos, Nic Cary and Roger Ver.

The film tells the story of money and bitcoin by tracing the origins of money back to the age of barter. From here, through the use of various forms of footage and clever editing, the film tells stories of power, control and deceit. It traces the rise of the Medici and others through the history of banking and commerce. This film is perfect for anyone looking to understand bitcoin and what the central and commercial banks have done to our money. Enlightening and shocking.

3. The Rise and Rise of Bitcoin (2014)

This documentary gives insight into the early days of mining, and the drama that happened with the Mt. Gox and the Cyprus crisis. It presents a great intro into some of the very early adopters’ lives, such as Gavin Andresen, Brian Armstrong and Margaux Avedisian and why the community is blossoming in a time when the rest of the world is sinking deeper into depression and debt. The interview with the CEO of the Mt. Gox was also very interesting.

The film explains many complex issues in layman terms to enable any family member to appreciate the invention for what it accomplishes. It invites one to look beyond mainstream misrepresentations that it is only a black market currency.

4. Gringo: The Dangerous Life of John McAfee

This documentary is not directly related to cryptocurrency at all and it does not even mention cryptocurrency in the entire movie. However, it is a documentary about the life of the infamous face in the cryptosphere, John McAfee. Many people in the cryptosphere see John McAfee as a laughable figure who shills anything for a buck or two and he mostly gets ignored and sniggered at. As crazy as he is on Twitter, this film reveals another side of JM that you may not be aware of. The documentary may be misinformed or edited to suit the narrative of the writer but it’s clear to see JM’s decision making shown in the documentary echoes how he reacts still on Twitter.

A short introduction of the film:

John McAfee became a multi-millionaire after creating a prominent antivirus software, and later relocated to Belize. In April 2012, national police raided McAfee’s estate based on suspicions of drug manufacture or trafficking. Later that year McAfee’s neighbor Greg Faull was murdered and McAfee went into hiding before crossing the border to Guatemala and being deported back to the United States. The documentary suggests that McAfee was involved in the murder due to a feud between him and Faull over McAfee’s dogs. McAfee was never charged with any crime in Belize.

5. Cryptocurrencies: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

We all need a good laugh to go through this devastating bear market in the cryptosphere and there’s no better option than watching cryptocurrency being introduced by comedian John Oliver. You will probably not get any in-depth knowledge after watching this video but you sure will get a good laugh. Put your mind away from the market and just enjoy the video.


