The Festival Packing Guide: Sol Fest 2024 Edition

Vapid Haus
2 min readApr 22, 2024


By Nat Maul

Packing is key to a good festival weekend experience. With Sol Fest 2024 on its way, you might be wondering what you should pack for the occasion. Vapid Haus Studios has you covered on what exactly you should bring for this electronic getaway weekend.

· Photo ID/Festival Ticket: Duh! Don’t forget to get this shipped to your address for easy and fast festival access.

· Sunglasses, Hats, and Sunscreen: In the Florida sun you won’t want to forget these items.

· Bug Spray: Avoid Malaria on the Spring…

· Tent/Blankets/Pillows: If you’re feeling spunky, bring an air mattress. Festivals can be exhausting, and you’ll want to get a good night’s rest.

· Portable Speaker: Necessary for bumping your favorite music while you get ready.

· Travel Fan: A must have for comfort.

· Cooler: Where else will you keep your cold bevs?

· Toiletries/Towel: You are going to need these supplies after a day in the Florida heat. If you are a lucky VIP attendee, showers are free.

· Earplugs: protect your precious ears.

· Kitchen Supplies: Are the snacks packed? Don’t worry, there’s a great option inside the festival.

· Lantern: Some mood lighting for those late-night hangs.

· Portable Charger: You have got to make sure that your phone is always charged so you can get those fit pics and concert videos.

· Poncho/Rain Jacket: It’s Florida… you never know when it’s going to rain.

· Comfortable Shoes: Bring something breathable and walkable. We’ve got long and hot days ahead.

· First Aid Kit: This is essential, especially if overnight camping.

· Cash: I know. “Who carries cash anymore?!”. Better safe than sorry.

You might be wondering, what shouldn’t I bring?

· Leather jackets: I don’t think that this one needs an explanation.

· Fireworks: Don’t worry, there will be plenty of activities.

· Air Horns: Don’t be that guy.

· Glass Bottles: No one wants to get injured. So just stick to canned beverages!

Vapid Haus Studios is packed and ready for Sol Fest 2024. With this packing list, we hope that you’ll have everything that you need for the bass filled weekend.

Need a tune to listen to while you pack your bags? Check out our Sol Fest 2024 playlist on Spotify!

See you there!



Vapid Haus

We want to invite you into our Vapid Haus. Fill the Haus with your music, bring the liveliness of artists, gather a collective spirit.