3 min readMay 22, 2019


This May marked one of the most important international events for the crypto industry: Blockchain Week was successfully held in New York, USA, highlighted by the main conference of the week — Consensus 2019, held May 13 to 17 at the New York Hilton Midtown. As always, MARK.SPACE representatives were present during this much awaited come together, and have put together a short summary of the main topics of this years’ discussion.

If you’ve been following the latest crypto news, you’ll understand why “The End of the Crypto Winter” was one of the main topics. With bitcoin and other crypto assets going up to 50% in the past month, there was a lot of general positive sentiment about this topic.

Coincidentally or not, the next big thing on everyone’s minds was “The Continuous Institutionalization of the Crypto Industry”. We noticed a very positive trend, as the crypto industry is definitely being more institutionalized. Instead of ICO-based, temporary (and often unreliable) projects, we see serious international corporations and companies increasingly implement Blockchain technology. This is very much welcome, because of the experience and professional maturity of the incoming players. (we’ll be back with a cool overview on this, stay tuned for updates!)

“Increased Regulatory Oversight” was another interesting point of discussion. How can we make the industry grow, at the same time getting rid of the ‘bad apples’? Discussions on sanctions and anti-money-laundering were high on the agenda, and it felt really good that MARK.SPACE, together with old industry friends, colleagues, as well as respected newcomers all were participants of this discussion.

In our Community chats, we notice increasing enthusiasm about our MARK.SPACE Shopping District, which we’re working hard on to open. You’re not the only ones eager for e-commerce features! “What about Increased Retail Adoption and Awareness?” — was yet another theme Consensus 2019 had its spotlight on. In the broad sense, the general consensus was that the recent comeback of Bitcoin will attract those companies who are still on the sideline to finally enter the crypto market.

Finally, we discussed “Tokenization and its Impact on Financial Services” — an area just as important as all others. A lot of enthusiasm was shown for this topic, not only from traditional financial institutions, but also how tokenization can make finances more efficient and accessible, especially with assets, such as real estate, or even gold.

And as for MARK.SPACE, we’ll give you a teaser: we are on the threshold of signing a very important strategic partnership, so what can we say? Thank YOU for believing in us and being part of our Community! We hope you enjoyed our summary of Consensus 2019 and Blockchain Week NY!


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