Playing Every Game in the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality

PEGBRJE: The ‘Final’ Anniversary

Compiling the Remaining Pages After 9 Months

Jacob ._.'
The Ugly Monster


Y’know, I think this is actually the same screenshot as the first one — only took me 2.5 years.

Didn’t think I’d make it this far? Neither did I. Welcome to the overview of the overviews.

Some might be looking at the title, remember the last time we did this and have even more questions; “Why is it not called the ‘Three-ish Year Anniversary?” or “How did this take 9 months when the last one took 8?”. To answer the first question, it just hasn’t been three years yet so it would feel a bit disingenuous — in fact, come this March it will have been 2.5 years since I started this journey, so even the last title is a bit off.

The answer to the other question is, just like before, complex. Unlike our previous milestone, the amount of games seemed to resurface at a reasonable rate which started to lengthen the amount of time the pages took to cover — yet at the same time, the fact that there are only 18 pages meant that I shaved at least 4–6 weeks off the theoretical schedule. So with the weather getting brutally bitter around my parts, I figured there would be no better way to spend my time then to update my graphs and finally get some comparisons going.

I’m struggling to come up with a lot of new things to put in the intro this time around, for not only does it feel like time hasn’t moved all that much since 9 months ago, but not a lot has felt like it changed. Some of my professional situations changed which made writing the blog a bit more challenging, but not enough to slow down my progress towards the end.

I’d like to thank The Ugly Monster again for publishing this series. It is still a bit surreal to think that I’m in any kind of actual publication. So thanks again.

While it has been nearly 2.5 years since the bundle came out, the reasons it exists are still fresh in my mind as racial justice and equality are still massive topics within the North Americas. I had held out hope since the last milestone that there might be a sliver of change, but with so many ongoing global issues it is hard to feel that progress can be made when there is so much to worry about.

Nevertheless, we of the game’s industry have made the choice time and time again to try our best, rallying together to raise money for these issues that we hold dear to our hearts in the hopes that one day change can be made. Never forget that.

So, once again, let’s begin.

Part 1: Data

Well the framework came in clutch as it has throughout the year, and I was able to continue onward unto the end. That automatic detection I so desperately hoped for nearly happened actually, along with an automatic sorting algorithm that I was writing right up until I had two realizations. The first was that automatic detection wouldn’t work 100% of the time even with the tweaks I made, with the second being that the amount of time I would spend writing all of the different tags would be equal to the manual effort it took to manually sort everything. Nothing new or creative occurred because of that, but streamlining my processes did make this much faster to compile.

Just a bit of a warning: this data will be comparing the three sections, rather than looking at the entire bundle as a whole. This will be in the final blog of the entire bundle, which will be coming out hopefully by March 1st to celebrate exactly 2.5 years since I started — more on that at the end of the post.

Once again I’ve linked my forward facing database, currently stored in a Google Sheet. It still has all of the tags that you can use to sort through everything, and now that the blog is at its finale it can be utilized to actively search for every game or software that you may be looking for. This database will have great uses in my future projects, but that’s for a different time. For now…

Annoying Notice: Medium does not like to co-operate when it comes to embedding Google Chart interactive images, so I’ve included links to interactive versions of the graphs for your enjoyment. However, the JSFiddle links now all have a ‘popup’ on them due to the site getting hit with scammers. It’s a tad more annoying, but they still work.


Let’s get to the final comparative data sets and see how the three bundle sections stack up against each other. Since we won’t be able to make predictions like I was able to before — we are done, after all — I’ll be using a lot of this data to confirm predictions I had made in the second anniversary post, and then stacking that up to the total to see how things turned out.

There’s a lot going on here, so let’s start with the obvious elephant in the room; we have more traditional video games then we did in the previous twenty pages, and this is taking into account the fact that this is with two less pages. Page 59 has only a single entry, and it is a TTRPG, meaning that 60 possible entries are ‘missing’ yet this final section had nearly 30 games more than the second section, accounting for almost 58% of the 541 entries. This is an increase of 10% from the previous section, mostly taken from the increased tabletop games section. This completely blows my fears and predictions out of the water, as I surmised that with the drop of 30% from the previous section we could easily see a steady decline in digital games on the last ~18.


Quantitatively, it’s easy to see that realistically the amount of digital games did not become ‘massively’ inflated, especially not with the previous shifts in content from sections 1 to 2. The shift in the total has caused a lot of the percentile data to become harder to compare to the previous data sets, especially since the previous two sections contained the same totals of 600. The 59 entries missing isn’t a lot, but it is just enough to make that 10% seem much larger than it actually is without some numbers to compare it to.

In terms of per page — which again, somewhat challenging to say given the uneven total — we increased to about 17 digital games per page. Similar to what we saw in the previous section, however, there were quite a few titles that were deleted before I could reach them, a title that could not be played and possibly can never be played, and two pieces of ‘interactive fiction’ that could not be played for language reasons (they are counted as MISC. for this dataset). This makes the total in the graphs subject to scrutiny, as when accounting for these two groups the total would be shifted from 313 to 310 ± 3.

Link here

This has done some funky stuff to the averages, as one might expect — especially thanks to the 58/59 section since the average amount is harder to fully quantify. What it doesn’t do, however, is explain the ‘flip’ in tabletop games and digital games from the 31–40 section. Going by my previous hypothesis — that the bundle started with the ‘heavy hitters’ thanks to them being approached and informed first — this could be the point theorized in which the bundle just began to expand beyond expectations. If video games were initially approached, or had jumped on the wagon first, it could be theorized that tabletop titles were approached in higher volumes afterwards.

What this all means though is… a lot harder to surmise than in the previous trends. Before it was easy to theorize that as the bundle grew, more ‘obscure’ titles would get added to the stack, and that many of these could be then assumed to be tabletop games. Yet there is no real definition of ‘obscure’ that helps in this scenario — what is an obscure game, exactly? — so we are left with this strange phenomenon where games dropped significantly before rising to a more steady average. We don’t know any exact data on how the games were collected outside of volunteering to offer their game to the bundle, so all we can do is read the data collected and see if we can put any possible answers together.

Let’s break down more about the video games, shall we?


Interestingly, the slight resurgence of digital titles did bring back more multiplayer games than there had been in the previous section, up to 12% of them having some kind of multiplayer capacity. This can be easily attributed to the simplicity that more titles means more chance for multiplayer, yet at the same time we have interesting online-only titles in the previous section so I cannot say for certain. There are also no ‘varying’ this time around either, a category given to the select few titles that have multiple games included — this mean there was no ambiguity in worrying about whether a game was single or multiplayer focused.

Link to larger version here

This resurgence in multiplayer games seems to mainly be in the form of co-operative titles, as the percentile for competitive games remained the same at ~7% of the section, making up 13 of the 37 multiplayer-enabled games. This left the other 24 titles to competitive, a sparse increase of 2 compared to last section. There’s also an interesting thing to note that while the previous section was full of arena shooters and brawlers, many more of these multiplayer games were ‘arcade’ like, feeling more similar to what some may think of in an arcade machine or ‘infinite fighters’. Of course, this is still very opposite in comparison to the first section, which can only be assumed to be that the initial group attracted to the bundle were the single player types.

My predictions utilizing percentiles continued to be proven correct as 88% of the bundle’s video games continued to be single player centered. With the average of games being roughly 17 per page, 15 entries would be single player games leaving ~2 to be multiplayer.

Just like last section, however, there is a hidden section in the ‘N/A’. These three are the titles that could not be included due to games no longer existing, either due to being removed from the store as a precaution or their entire existence being scrubbed. Whatever the reason, I cannot ascertain what they are so I leave them out by subtracting them from the total.

Link here

Just like before, removing the digital titles allows for much more clarity when discussing the other titles within the bundle. With the resurgence of digital titles, the explosive 313 entries is gone from our memories — but sitting at 228, the third section still has more than 100 entries on the paltry 117 from the first section. It’s amusing in a way that this section somehow sits comfortably between the two, but it also feels a bit cheap when reminded that there are technically 59 entries ‘missing’ to make this data properly compatible. If the percentiles remained the same — which they have proven not to this far, but let’s humour the possibility — there would be roughly 253 entries at the current 42% ‘non-video games’ amount.

Regardless of this possibility, a shocking revelation is the return of a lost section: the game engines. Yes, there is one single engine in this group, something I assumed I would never see again.

With that covered, let’s get in to each section!

If you would like more information on the breakdown of what these section titles mean, I encourage you to go back and read my 1 Year Anniversary post, as it explains what titles I grouped where.

Tabletop Games

Tabletop games continued their dominance of the non-video game portion, albeit at a much tamer level than the terrifying ferocity they commanded in the 30s. The TTRPGs kept showing up in force, with different hacks and systems continually getting their time in the spotlight while LARPs, journaling games, and even a few card games got added in to the mix.

Their command started strong in the early 40s before it became apparent that my prediction of the trend would not come true. Instead of reaching a staggering 18–20, the average fell down to only 10 a page in the 40s, before going even lower to ~7 in the 50s. This average was caused by the massive influx of digital games nearing the end of the 40s, establishing the average that we see now continuing towards the end of the bundle. It’s starting to look like the late 30s — early 40s portion of the bundle is a massive anomaly in terms of data with the sheer massive influx of TTRPGs that were added at that time, but that’s for another day. All that’s important in this context is that tabletops will forever be the number 1 most popular entry in the bundle when accounting for my definition of software, so congratulations to physical media.

Asset Packs

The bastion appears stable, the pillar appears sturdy; but it has actually cracked.

Asset packs were the rock in which this bundle kept consistent, having nearly 40 across both previous sections even with the massive difference in scaling between other groupings. Unfortunately for asset packs in this last bit, the lack of the last two pages has caused it to come up short at 27. The percentile is the same at 11.8% when comparing it to the second section’s percentage, which is a strange phenomenon no doubt, but asset packs started averaging fewer and fewer per page as time went on. In previous sections they had always hovered just shy of 2 per page, but with this last section the average became just shy of 1.5. Even taking in to account the missing pages, it would come up shy of 31.

This isn’t really a bad thing, per say — only that my predictions required it to keep up its previous momentum. The bundle ended with 104 entries, making my initial guess of 112 to be off by 8. Tragic.

Reading Material

The first big ‘shocker’ of this section, the Reading Material section somehow managed to exceed my expectations for its growth, yet disappoint me with its losses. It brought some interesting textbooks out, but the section was mainly dominated again by zines.

Looking back on section two and realizing a previous mistake — there were only 28 entries in 21–40, not 36 — the growth was not as large as I had expected. However, at ~8% of the non-video game grouping for this third section, this loss of 10 entries is much more sustained than losses groups had in size. Unfortunately, while it only had a 1% loss in comparison to the 5% of the TTRPGs, its relative size means that it takes losses heavier. This doesn’t even take into account the possibility of removing two more entries due to their ‘interactivity possibilities’, which would put them at almost the same percentage as they were in this group back in the first section.

There is a strange little factoid here, though, as every reading material group always ends in an 8. Fun!


The ultimate shocker of the non-video games was the Miscellaneous, as it surged to a massive 10% of the group and became the third largest at 23 entries. Now, it can be said that it gained traction thanks to three entries being unavailable to download — I group them in with the MISC for record keeping, but they would be permanently removed from this group and not added anywhere else, altering the percentile by ~1% to about 8.8% instead of its current 10.1%.

So what happened? Well, OSTs doubled in size, going from 8 entries in 40 pages to 17 in 59, and this doesn’t include the one interactive album that you could explore. I’m not entirely sure why so many OSTs got added in this part of the bundle, but you won’t see me complaining when three brilliant sound tracks by dannybstyle are added. There were also many pieces of assistant software that couldn’t fit in to any other category, which got them sorted in to this section.

Regardless of where they came from, my ‘farfetched’ prediction that I wrote off apparently came true. I said it would be weird if the strong growth from 20 to 40 continued, but it did exactly that.

So far, all this has done is confirmed that predicting randomized entries is brutally challenging, as my ‘wild, farfetched’ prediction seem to come true more often than my rational ones. Such is life, I suppose.

So now, let’s look at what you’ve all been waiting for: the entire bundle, all in one place.


Let’s cover something I have never gotten to say in these overviews yet; I was RIGHT. Thanks to knowing how many games I had played at the end of the second section plus having a percentile average of the total games played in the bundle by that point, I hypothesized that there would be roughly 1115 games, making the next 18/19 pages to have about 18 games per page. At the time that felt way too high since the bundle had just given a few pages with less than half of their contents being digital games, but it turned out to be not far from the truth. While the 1115 was a bit high, I was within a reasonable threshold of error since the percentile only dropped to 62.2%.

I’ll be going in to more detail on this data in a different, more collectively final blog — more on that later — but for now, we can just look at it in its entirety and go ‘that’s a lot of games’.

Part 2: Favourites

Here’s where I break the unwritten rule of overview writing and showcase my favourites. I did it the last two times, I’m not going to break my own tradition now — it’s fun to go through the games that I’ve played and showcase those that I enjoy.

Once again, below are my personal recommendations that I have on a per page basis. This is, as I should have stated a long time ago, not a very smart way of doing things — the pages are compiled in a mysterious way, so some pages will have many games I enjoy while others do not. Thankfully the fear I had about the decline in digital games did not come to pass, so I didn’t have to contemplate dropping ‘recommendation per page’ because numbers got scarce.

While this wasn’t as taxing to compile as the previous section due to the factors outlined before, I would be lying to say that it wasn’t starting to get even trickier. This is most likely due to fatigue, with the 1000+ games that I’ve played and all, but thankfully I was able to find games that I was still coming back to even after moving on to play something else.

Just as a reminder, these were my personal favourites; hopefully you’ve been able to find your own.

Page 41 may have started out relatively sparse in the way of digital titles, but it had a killer game to really start us off with Dry Drowning. Set in the beautifully bleak future where ambition rules everything, you’ll be making brutally difficult decisions that will shape how the investigations — and subsequently the city itself — will turn out.

I’m a sucker for murder mystery, and Studio V brings a fantastic mechanic to allow you to figure out just who is lying while being a subtle discussion about trauma and past transgressions.

Page 41 Honorable Mentions: Taco Tom 2, IGEO, and Bewildebots

Golem Creation Kit is a hard game to describe, for at first glance it is a strange little game of minigames to protect Fil the wizard apprentice from angry mobs. Yet between collecting elements from plucking the hills from the world like they were part of felt landscape arrangements, you’ll see a seriously engaging plot between Fil and the familiar as they await for their master to return from where ever they’ve gone. There’s intrigue and mystery in here, broken up by the fun times of creating golems to destroy villagers.

Page 42 Honourable Mentions: Guitar Fretter and Sorbetta: Gravely in Debt

Sometimes you just need to have a bit of fun, and Rogues Like Us is here to get you going. Not content with just being a 3D rogue-lite that you can collect all of the gear you could dream of? Grab a buddy and have them play along with you.

It’s a simple idea, but one that works brilliantly to turn any game that may have its slower moments into an all out funfest of silliness. It isn’t reinventing the wheel, but having two wheels has never steered me wrong yet.

Page 43 Honourable Mentions: No More Kings

Do you hate Mario Party? It’s not a question I ask lightly, for I know quite a few people that despise the silly ‘board game simulator’ that dominates the party genre. Have no fear, however, for Monster Jaunt is hoping to alleviate some of the biggest woes; mainly that your success in the minigames directly correlates to how impactful your movements can be. It ditches the random movements and stars for a card matching game, where you go from location to location to create sets of cards to hand in.

It keeps that lighthearted party spirit but now you can play without worrying that in the last turn you’ll just lose ‘because’.

Page 44 Honourable Mentions: Hidden Paws and Rasternauts

Puzzle games have always had a strong presence in the bundle, but I must say that there hasn’t been one in a while that has captivated me as much as cotrio did. By putting numbers in to two adjacent nodes, you add them together and hope they add up to the third node, which then causes it to ‘disappear’ and become zero.

It’s somehow the easiest of math puzzles yet the most confusing thing to wrap your head around even after playing it for hours. Yet it can suck you in so fast that you might start putting numbers in triangles in real life.

Page 45 Honorable Mentions: MONUMENTAL FAILURE and Trash wars

In case it wasn’t super obvious by now, I adore visual novels. Us Lovely Corpses is, on the surface, just another visual novel that covers storybeats you might see in other dark, atmospheric stories.

Thanks to fantastic writing and a gorgeous artstyle, you can get easily sucked in to its themes about friendship while not realizing that there’s been a mechanic hidden within the game that has been dictating your actual answers the entire time. Go forth and get insulted by a rose, ok?

Page 46 Honourable Mentions: GRAVITY FIGHTERS, Jiayou MemoVirus (brilliant game about COVID, wasn’t expecting to ever say that), and MetaWare High School (Demo)

At this point I’m nothing but predictable. Ring of Fire is a murder mystery in a grizzly future — but this time, the future is full of light. The setting and aesthetic are the most enticing elements, putting a major spin on what we normally associate with the ‘dark, grim’ future and asking what would happen if the sun decided to never go out. Shadows cover this game, adding so much to the atmosphere as you realize that nighttime no longer exists, there is only the harsh sun.

To top it all off, even moreso than previous murder mysteries, how you approach each piece of evidence dictates how the game evolves. You dictate how Detective Grovenor will get the information, how she uses that information, and what you as the player can recall. The game ditches the idea of prompts for a more ‘pen and paper’ style, meaning you’ve got to bust out your notepad and try your best. It sets itself up for success, and I cannot wait to see the full game in the future.

Page 47 Honourable Mentions: Ecchi Sketch: Draw Cute Girls Every Day! (All Ages Ver), Bad Government, and Conversations With My Anxiety

The first game where I felt like I was flipping a coin to decide which of the two I wanted to highlight, Meeting in the Flesh is a visual novel — yes I’m still on brand — that occurs during a strange alternate world where you are a courier.

The setting is as compelling as it is unsettling, with the individuals being all manners of monstrocities. What makes it fascinating is that each of the routes is so unique and distinct, exploring different ideas and relationship statuses that you would never see if they had been human.

Just be aware that this game is very much not for everyone. There’s some serious ideas and imagery at work here, and if you find yourself uncomfortable with some body horror then this might not be the best game. But it is easily the most unique visual novel of the bundle, and I feel compelled to highlight it.

Page 48 Honourable Mentions: EMUUROM

Time is a weird thing, and games love to explore it — so when I say that Recording the Predestined Time removes the choices from its visual novel so that you can focus on the storyline, I’m not kidding. Set in a universe where a WORLD SPINE circles the earth to keep everything from collapsing, you’ll be following the narrator at different points in time as they interact with those that have to deal with their fragile existence.

There’s a sense of constant impending doom — sound familiar? — but you get to see these characters at different parts in their life while slowly unravelling the mystery of who you are supposed to be following. It’s an emotional tale, one that is sure to resonate given everything in the world right now.

Page 49 Honourable Mentions: Turn-Based Champion (cool fusion of Mario Party fun with RPG elements), Penance, and That Which Binds Us

Time to deviate completely from my M.O, because Magic Trick is a tubular sandbox of skateboarding. There was a massive influx in games for the 50s, making this choice much harder than expected, but it’s hard to not get excited by a game of wizard skateboarders.

The world is a colourful and upbeat skatepark of different settings, and with your newfound magic abilities there are so many ways to alter the tricks to your heart’s content. Add in some quests to keep things interesting, and all of you Pro Skater fans that were wanting something more fantastical can enjoy a massive world to go extreme in.

Page 50 Honourable Mentions: Clash of Coins (coin gladiator simulator), Qavo, Retromancer, and SYSCRUSHER (FPS cyberpunk simulator)

Over the years we’ve had lots of different food-related games, usually centered around the great ideas of cooking with friends or dealing with fast-paced customers. Served decides to go the exact opposite direction and make a sport-centric Hell’s Kitchen, where you dunk ingredients and bop your fellow chefs.

The dishes are all listed along the top and require a bit of thought on your part, but you’ll be too busy doing double jumps and trick shots with oranges to worry that much about it. It brings all the chaos and stress of cooking with all the zany nonsense of competitive brawlers.

Page 51 Honourable Mentions: This Call May Be Recorded (God have mercy on telemarketers), Grievance, Xander the Monster Morpher: Universe Breaker (fuse yourself into your ultimate self), and Fusion Shift

Ahoy there, you look like you need a point and click adventure in your life, and Nelly Cootalot is here to save the day. Backed by the comedian Alasdair Becket-King, it is absolutely laced with more worldbuilding puns then you can shake a stick at.

The puzzles are simple yet just challenging enough that you can get invested in them, but you are going to stick around for the silly antics that Nelly gets in to more than her ability to solve the leprechauns’ flag problem.

There’s a sequel too if you love this one, and it gets even farther down the rabbit hole of pirate living.

Page 52 Honourable Mentions: Pillars of Dust, Affinity, and Disobedient Sheep (FUS ROH DAH sheep with friends)

The game that took me by the most surprise, DYO sounds and looks like an unassuming puzzle game with a brilliant artstyle. You’ve got two minotaurs in a Daedalus themed labyrinth, and they’re both trying to reach their exits.

Like Daedalus, however, DYO decided that simplicity can mask complexity that much more efficiently, and the game unwinds quickly as a mind-breaking perspective puzzle. By freezing the screen in place, you’ll get to alter the shape of the labyrinth itself, and even alter the perspective and size of the Minotaurs to the point that the maze’s only limitations are your ability to understand them.

It gets out of hand fast, and is easily my favourite co-op game of this entire section for just how silly you can get with some of the solutions.

Page 53 Honourable Mentions: Dusk Child and Cascadio

We jettison off in to space with Manual Intervention, a strange defense game that asks a very simple question: why are there never enough failsafe systems when it comes to global security? You’re the last line of defense for the planet, and hopefully your Physics knowledge is up to par since you’ll be firing missiles at other missiles in the hopes of blowing them up before they reach their destination.

If that was it, this title would be a fine addition to the bundle, but they lace a story in to each defense to keep you invested in the tale of the underqualified intern keeping everything afloat. Good luck out there!

Don’t let the picture above confuse you, the bundle version is not a VR game — but the Steam version is, and that’s where I get these banners from so uh… get the VR version if you love VR games and like this one!

Page 54 Honourable Mentions: Dual Pong and Lacrymo Tennis 2016 (+ 2018) (best protest game to ever exist, trust me)

This is a game straight out of my childhood, and no wonder I sunk so much time into it. Knightmare Tower is all about scaling a tower on a rocket to rescue the numerous princesses, while upgrading your rocket to go higher than before.

It’s a game all about going as far and as high as possible, only to lose, buy some upgrades, and do it all over again. It scratches that old infinite FLASH game itch, and brings a level of polish that younger me could only have dreamed of. Grab your wooden sword and rocket, and get blasting.

Page 55 Honourable Mentions: Not the Robots (easily the best stealth game seen in the bundle) and Shrine to Anubis

Have you ever wanted to be a cat, but also wanted to be an army general in an adorable army? That’s a weirdly specific request, but if you enter Catlandia that is exactly what will happen. Combining the turnbased combat of classic JRPGs with the zany silliness of cat-centric atmospheres, you get this adorable adventure to ensure that the doggies stay out of your fort.

I wish I could say it is the most robust game, but in reality it’s just so aesthetic and adorable that I couldn’t help but keep playing.

Page 56 Honourable Mentions: Super Crome: Bullet Purgatory, Dr. Trolley’s Problem (taking the silly philosophy and making it fun), J.Edgar Hoover Vs. Kennedy (political dramas? In my bundle? Never heard of them)

You might think an entire game based on a minigame would be a bad idea, but Tap Strike Boom! dares to try. Pokemon fans might remember this as the Voltorb mini game, but here we go even farther with the idea with more effects and style.

It reminds me of Minesweeper with more logic involved, as you sweep through and divide off what can and cannot be a bomb to find the gemstones. The added interactivity to mark off squares is brilliant, and helps to truly give that logic puzzle feeling.

Page 57 Honourable Mentions: 1977: Radio Aut, Mission: It’s Complicated, and TinkerQuarry

The final page of the bundle, and what better way to end it then with the genre I started off hating? Hole New World is a difficult platformer about potions and altering your abilities to get the better of the world around you.

It has such a fantastic aesthetic in its art and music that it is hard to ignore it, even when I’m struggling for hours to beat a single boss. It’s a retro platformer to round out the bundle in the strangest way, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Page 58 Honourable Mentions: mr mayor tells your fortune recounts a story and offers you snacks, Lucid Awakening 2, Space Madness, and Fossil Echo

Part 3: Resolution

Well, this feels weird.

For nearly two and a half years I’ve been playing these games and writing about them, so it feels strange to suddenly see it all come to an end. I predicted I’d be done roughly around this time thanks to how many entries I had left at the time, but that doesn’t shake the feeling that I’m missing something.

Technically I am: the post mortem. This entire bundle’s origins existed because I wanted to explore different games, and now that I have I’ll be writing one last blog about the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality. It’ll go into more detail about the bundle as a whole, looking at my experiences and the data I collected throughout it as well as my future plans for this blog and my own work.

These past ~9 months have felt like a blur, with some entries somehow disappearing from my brain after writing them. Yet I’ve learned so much — even passively — that it has been worth it no matter what. If you have any question about the bundle, feel free to message me through any channel you can find me, or even by commenting on the spreadsheet above.

Thanks again to The Ugly Monster for publishing this bundle, and thank you for joining me on this journey. It’s been very up and down, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.

There’s only one entry left. The bundle ends next week. See you then.



Jacob ._.'
The Ugly Monster

Just a Game Dev blogging about charity bundles. We keep going.