September 17th Update- Rchain Conference, Greentech Media Forum, and more!

Dwight Sproull
Published in
2 min readSep 18, 2018

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In August, Swytch signed an official partnership with the city of Chuncheon in South Korea to assist them with reducing their carbon footprint. We are only getting started, with more on the way.

“There is no doubt that growing our renewable energy dependence is a positive action,” said Lee Jae-Soo, mayor of Chuncheon. “We are enthusiastic about this partnership that will decrease our carbon footprint and increase sustainable energy.”

Since partnering with an entire city is pretty rare in the blockchain space, it has attracted some attention from media in the green space.

Evan spoke at the Greentech Media Forum on September 11th as part of a panel discussing the future of technology as it relates to blockchain in energy, and you can see a video of it here. Evan, John, and Peter will be attending a variety of events surrounding the Global Climate Action Summit from September 12–14. Next month we’ll be attending Blockcon in Santa Monica, California on October 10th and 11th.

We announced our partnership with Reflective Venture Partners back in June, and you can watch a recently recorded video of Evan Caron discussing the benefits.

Our Blockchain development lead Eric Miller attended the Rchain Developer Conference in Berlin to meet up with other professionals and companies that are using Rchain to deploy their smart contracts. He did a quick interview with Shahan Khoshafian discussing the great experience he had at the conference.

“We love Rchain for the fact that it can capture all the high throughput data we’re getting from these IoT devices around the world. We tested our first smart contract on Rchain yesterday and we’re really looking forward to what the platform has to offer.” — Eric Miller

Not fully set in stone, but Evan is likely giving a presentation to the Houston Energy Data Science group on October 4th in Houston, TX. We’ll be giving an update on exact time and location, which we’ll announce through our Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook feeds.

Swytch continues to push for partnerships with large energy companies and we’ve received a positive reception from major industry players. As agreements become finalized we will notify the community.

That’s it for now, we’re planning to have regular monthly updates going forward, as well as weekly videos highlighting different members of the Swytch team, so stay up to date by following us on our social media channels.

> Swytch Team



Dwight Sproull

Blockchain enthusiast, metalhead, video game lover, rpg aficionado