SingularityNET Partners with the Chinese Neurotechnology Firm Entertech

SingularityNET will form a partnership with Entertech to create AI-powered neurotech for the consumer and the enterprise markets.

Ben Goertzel
6 min readNov 22, 2018


Mental and Physical Health

Lately, an ever-increasing number of individuals have embraced meditation, yoga, and other consciousness expansion techniques to enrich their lives and to achieve a greater mental and physical health. Various Apps, such as Headspace, have emerged to provide guidance in weaving such methods into our busy modern lifestyles.

The next step in the evolution of these apps is biofeedback and neurofeedback, which will enable individuals to monitor signals reflecting their mind and body states and thus tune and self-regulate their experiences more effectively.

At the same time, awareness about the importance of attending to the human mind and body states is also pervading the enterprise. Modern companies are increasingly realizing that to optimize their effectiveness, they need to pay closer attention to their employees’ mental and physical well being. Some aspects of this are old-fashioned and commonsensical, such as allowing flexible work hours and building venues for creativity and re-energizing relaxation into the work environment. Other aspects are more hi-tech — such as the use of AI and neurotechnology to enable the employees to understand their mind and body states better so that they can self-regulate in a more knowing and nuanced way.

Technological advances have now made it possible to inexpensively manufacture lightweight devices measuring brain waves and the associated physiological signals, such as heart rate. The data gathered by these devices is complex and requires advanced artificial intelligence for its full interpretation. By putting next-step neurotech devices together with advanced AI, we can provide individuals with a detailed understanding of what is going on in their bodies and minds — measuring a person’s emotions, arousal and alertness, and even the depth of meditation an individual is undertaking.

The Partnership

Today, we’re excited to announce that SingularityNET will form a partnership with the Chinese neurotechnology firm Entertech to create AI-powered neurotech for the consumer and the enterprise markets.

Entertech is a Hangzhou-based electronic technology company, focused on neuroscience R&D and the creation and application of state-of-art consumer-level EEG products. The firm’s experience with applied EEG analytics is extensive, including applications in education, psychological health, VR and many more areas. As a result of this work, Entertech has accumulated millions of instances of first-hand EEG data from individuals engaged in various sorts of tasks.

The purpose of this partnership is to use SingularityNET’s AI to analyze the data gathered from Entertech’s EEG measurement products. This will allow people to regulate their states of mind better so as to guide their daily lives and their meditative experiences. It will also help enterprise employees better monitor and self-regulate their states of consciousness on the job to improve both their job performance and their satisfaction.

At present, the main products of Entertech include mind-controlled racing cars, a brainwave analysis eye mask, a fatigue-level detection helmet, and a meditation headband. Enterprise applications are a major focus; for example, Entertech has already deployed more than 10 thousand customized helmets, as one of many future orders to come, for the China State Grid to measure its workers’ fatigue levels by analyzing their brainwaves.

On the consumer side, by the end of 2018, Entertech will launch a pioneering meditation headband, called Flowtime, with a dual channel of brainwave and heart-rate sensors.

Flowtime will be the world’s first dual-channel acquisition product supporting EEG and heart-rate observation at the same time. Designed to be elegant and comfortable, and weighing only 22g — the lightest EEG headband on the market — Flowtime will enable the monitoring of brainwaves (4 EEG channels), heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV) during meditation and other states of mind. The hardware generates detailed reports, giving the user information about their level of meditation, arousal and affect.

A detailed report by Flowtime

The Role of Singularity Studio

In the newly established collaboration, SingularityNET’s AI research division, which includes a team with medical background along with a large number of AI experts, will apply novel AI tools to extract general-purpose patterns from the extensive EEG data that Entertech has gathered. This is expected to yield new insights regarding the dynamics of emotion, arousal and consciousness, and the relationship between the body (e.g., heart rate) and mind.

If SingularityNET’s AI can find predictive patterns regarding an individual’s state of consciousness, it may be able to warn them about stressful or exhausted states of consciousness — or make suggestions in advance regarding actions they might take to nudge themselves into a more desirable state of mind and body.

SingularityNET’s commercial product division, Singularity Studio, will collaborate with Entertech to use the results of this AI analysis to create more effective neurotech solutions for the enterprise, as well as to optimize the functionality of Entertech’s consumer products.

By analyzing the EEG and heart rate data from a variety of employees doing the same job across an enterprise, SingularityNET’s AI will be able to understand what states of mind and body are associated with optimal employee performance and well-being. This will provide employers with suggestions regarding adjustments to the work environment, and employees with real-time suggestions regarding how they might want to regulate their workday — for instance, if an AI tool predicts a stressed and unproductive state of mind coming up, an employee might want to take a quick break.

Via these applications and others, Entertech and SingularityNET together expect to significantly advance today’s understanding of neural function “in the wild” — in the context of peoples’ everyday home and office lives outside of the lab where most neuroscience studies have been done. These advances will both be a boon to the many individuals seeking peace and progress through meditation and related techniques, and a valuable tool for enterprises seeking to become better and more effective workplaces.

Next Steps

SingularityNET plans to keep on striving toward a future where the access to AI algorithms is democratized and where the A.I. algorithms and services are created and contributed by a diverse group of people. We plan to reinforce and expand our collaborations to shape the coming AI Singularity into a positive one for all. To read more about our other partners, click here.

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