You’re Wasting Time Making These Side Hustle Mistakes

Decoding three common mistakes that could have bulldozed my dreams of becoming a writer.

Anangsha Alammyan
Freelancer’s Hub
Published in
5 min readDec 28, 2023


Photo by Ron Jake Roque on Unsplash

I started writing in 2020 as a side hustle. In the initial months, I made a few hundred dollars, and it nicely supplemented my income from a 9–5 job.

At the time, even $200 extra every month felt like a huge win.

I started investing all my side hustle income. I was proud of myself for saving up this small amount.

Soon, I realized that it’s not a lot of money, certainly not life-changing money, even with wise investments. It was time for some hard changes.

I made a list of my expectations from my side hustle, i.e., writing. I then created a strategy and roadmap to achieve my goals. I also identified some side hustle mistakes holding me back from realizing my full potential.

Today, I’m a professional writer with a lifestyle I wouldn’t have believed a few years ago:

  • I can take vacations whenever I wish without asking for permission.
  • My business is automated and keeps making money passively, even when I’m off work.
  • I have no boss to report to, so there’s no one piling unrealistic expectations on me.

