Who are Memority’s beneficiaries?

2 min readJun 14, 2018


Memority platform is a place where two groups of customers meet: data owners and hosters. But it’s not just the storage, it’s the self-sufficient ecosystem that includes many applications to meet the needs of business, government organizations and individuals in the super-secure storage of all kinds of valuable data.

For data owners Memority solves the problem of information storage with maximum level of security due to the storage algorithm that uses its own private blockchain network based on Ethereum. Data owner can store data in an encrypted form in a decentralized and completely secure manner, paying for the storage with MMR tokens. System automatically stores files in 10 copies at 10 random hosters, and if hosters shut down, the files are automatically copied to a new hoster. So there’s no way you’ll lose the files. Hosters can receive MMR tokens for providing their disk space to users of the Memority platform to store their data.

Above all Memority platform is the interface for creating applications by third-party developers and percentage for miners. Third-party developers will be able to implement their ideas and create their own applications, using the infrastructure of Memority, and receiving MMR tokens for this. Miners receive rewards in the form of MMR tokens for supporting the working capacity of blockchain (only 10,000 or more token owners can become miners). Memority use Proof of Authority mining, so there is no need for large computing resources 5% of payments for data storage are distributed among miners.

The most interesting group of beneficiaries from marketing and business point of view is data owners. According to Statista, during the May 2017 survey, 61% of respondents aged 18 to 29 years stated that they were using cloud storage services for their data, while 42% of respondents aged 30 to 59 years and 18% of respondents aged 60 years and older said the same. This statistics shows that the most active group of users by age is students and graduates. We can suppose that this age interval is also true for Memority’s potential hosters.




A blockchain-based platform for a completely decentralized, super-secure storage of valuable data.