You Fast Track Your Weight Loss Rapidly With These 4 Stupidly Simple Habits

My cousin lost 15 kgs in three months with these top 4 habits.

Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health


Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

Inspirational stories are all around you. People do amazingly unbelievable things all the time. I heard one such story today.

My cousin’s husband is a typical Indian businessman, who spends all his time coming up with strategies to improve his family business.

His health was never a priority for him, but recently he started having migraines and low blood pressure which made him reconsider his lifestyle.

Here are the five unconventional things he did to lose 15 kgs in three months without the gym.

1. Cut Out the Biggest Culprit

He only ever ate tasty food, it didn’t matter how unhealthy it was. Taste was the only requirement when it came to diet.

He lived on takeouts. But since his headaches, he has made it a rule to not eat out at all.

He hasn’t eaten out once in three months and he is still going strong. His goal is to not eat out until he reaches his ideal weight.

His willpower is so strong that he doesn’t even eat out when he is traveling. He makes sure to pack fruits and healthy snacks for…



Khyati Jain
In Fitness And In Health

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-