Sergey Ryabov
4 min readApr 14, 2018


To begin with, I decided to speculate on the topic of property. After all, in fact, the whole essence of our life in capitalism boils down to the accumulation of a large number of money and property for the further transfer of the accumulated by inheritance, and so on, increasingly dividing people according to classes and possibilities.

Let’s think now what exactly is necessary for us in the property. In fact, the ownership of any property is reduced to using the properties of this property. That is, I do not really need a coffee machine, I need a delicious coffee that it produces or I should go to a person who knows how to make delicious coffee and it does not matter to me what grains he will use and he will make coffee in a Turkish or will use coffee machine.

I pondered a long time about whether there is something that I would need to own? And I realized that apparently everything can be rented. Well, starting with housing and cars, there has long been airbnb and car sharing, we do not need to buy these things.

There is something closer, for example, my laptop, on which I write this article or a mobile phone. At first it seemed to me an insoluble problem with the devices, but then I realized that the problem is in the logic, which was originally built on the basis of the property on the device. Assuming that we lease a device, all we need is to save the current state of the system in the cloud and the ability to raise this state quickly on any device. That’s all, the problem is solved, I do not even need to carry a laptop with me on a trip, I can take any available on arrival to the place. We can call it the device sharing.

Okay, what about clothes? After all, clothes should fit the man, an esthetic pleasure is important to us, often the materials from which it is made are important, again some of its properties. No problem. If we can bring it back to equal new quality after putting it on, and then rent it again, we get dress sharing, where we can choose something and memorize the things we have chosen in order to get a quick access to them later.

At the same time, no one prevents us from acquiring anything, let it be a car or a house. But why do you need it as soon as it costs so much? It’s silly, but each has his own choice.

Well, with personal property everything is clear. Indeed, by creating an infrastructure, we can assume that we do not need to own anything at all. But what about the capital goods, because all these plants, tools, raw materials, all belong to someone. Ok, why should I own the factory? Well, why I need it exactly? In the modern world, it brings me money without any labor on my part. That is, if I am a proprietor / shareholder and I have a workforce, that is, a profit from the factory, which in the long term will bring me many times the original cost of the factory through the sale of products. Excellent. That is, we return to the accumulation of money and property. And if I do not need to accumulate cash, then why do I need a factory? I do not really need it. But I need something that the factory produces. More precisely not even me, but our collective. The collective of Porsche Cayenne lovers needs a car so that from time to time each of us could ride on it. Such a collective we have not one, we are many around the world and in general we at the moment in the world do not have 50,000 cars. It would be nice for us to produce them. Actually we collectively become owners of the factory, we invest in it and it produces the necessary products. The more complex the production, the more investment it can take, but the more people can be required to produce.

For example, you need gasoline for everyone who moves by car or any gasoline type of transport. But if I’m an adherent of only bicycles, then I do not make sense to invest in oil production. Actually, the owners of the extraction of raw materials and the raw material are those to whom it is in fact necessary. In fact, this is a collective investment in what we need at the moment, as a collective. Then I do not pay for what I do not need. If I do not use any resources / goods / things / services, I just do not pay for them.

Summarizing. Following the logic of fully sharing the economy, I am not the owner of any property in general, but I am the co-owner of all property, means of production, resources, etc., which are necessary for me personally.

What are the bottlenecks in this system?

