WarpLight Terms of Service

11 min readJan 13, 2022


Version 16.1, February 14, 2023

About this document

This document elaborates in detail several terms and conditions you must abide by when using WarpLight platforms and services.

Accounts and membership

You must be at least 13 years old to use WarpLight platforms and services, and by agreeing to this document, you agree that you are 13 years of age or older. By creating a WarpLight Account, you are responsible for maintaining the security of your WarpLight Account and you are responsible for any and all activities that occur in relation to the WarpLight Account. At any time, we may suspend, disable, or delete your WarpLight Account if we determine that you have violated any provision(s) of this document or provision(s) in other documents that you have agreed to. We will not be held responsible for any actions or damages done by you via your WarpLight Account, even if another user has unauthorized access to your WarpLight Account without our knowledge. If another person or entity gains unauthorized access to your WarpLight Account, you will need to contact us immediately at support@warplight.dev.

Additional WarpLight Accounts may be opened by you using additional email addresses for the purpose of having separate WarpLight Accounts. Support for multiple profiles under one WarpLight Account will be available in a future update. You may use WarpLight platforms and services for commercial, professional, personal, and / or other forms of use, as long as you abide by the platform’s or service’s guidelines in addition to the WarpLight Terms of Service for all WarpLight Accounts.

User content, licenses and ownership

Any data, content, or other media that you upload to our services will always belong to you, provided you own the appropriate copyrights and / or usage rights associated with the uploaded content. You shall be responsible for the accuracy, quality, integrity, legality, reliability, appropriateness, and intellectual property ownership or right to use all submitted content. For the purposes of moderation and diagnostics, we may monitor content that is uploaded to or created on our platform or services. Any content uploaded or created by you will not be used by us for commercial, marketing, or similar purposes (such as creating derivative works) unless permitted by you. For the purposes of offering our platforms and services across the world and on different devices, we may access, copy, distribute, store, transmit, reformat, display, and perform your content. This allows us to ensure that any content you upload is accessible throughout our infrastructure, our platforms and services, and on multiple devices. We reserve the right to remove any content that we determine violates our guidelines or policies, or is in any way harmful or objectionable to another person, even if the targeted person is not on our platform or services. We may also remove content in response to takedown requests from their respective owners. If you suspect that a user is submitting content which does not rightfully belong to them and wish for it to be removed, contact us immediately at report@warplight.dev.

When using WarpLight platforms and services, you are given a revocable, nontransferable, nonexclusive license to use our platforms and services. You are not allowed to modify, sell, lease, or reverse-engineer any or all of our software, platforms or services, infrastructure, or other elements unless you have received written approval directly from WarpLight.

First-party code, designs, logos, wordmarks, trade-marks, service-marks, and copyrights are the property of WarpLight, unless otherwise noted. Third-party code, designs, logos, wordmarks, trade-marks, service-marks, and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Parts of WarpLight platforms and services are built with open-source software. More information regarding open-source software used within our platforms can be accessed via the “About” or “About & more” tab in Settings for the respective platform or service, or by contacting WarpLight directly.

Platform upgrades and maintenance

We reserve the right to upgrade, maintain, modify, or take offline features, platforms, or services at any time, with or without notice. Newer versions of features, platforms, or services may be released at any time, with or without notice, and older versions (such as software clients) may be discontinued, deactivated, or blocked from accessing our infrastructure with or without notice at any time, including newer versions, typically with the intent of maintaining the security and integrity of our platforms and services.


At any point in time, you may receive communications directly from WarpLight or our platforms and services, typically through the use of notification systems within our platforms and services, through email addresses registered to your WarpLight Account, or other means. These communications are typically automated, and relate to the platforms and services you use, such as to notify you of new features, changes, or for other means. Communications can also include alerts regarding your WarpLight Account, such as email verification requests, password reset requests, and more. At any point in time, you may modify the communications you receive directly from WarpLight or our platforms and services, typically in the “Notification settings” tab in Settings for the respective platform or service. Some automated alerts, such as email verification requests or password reset requests cannot be disabled.

When contacting WarpLight, WarpLight Account identifiers, such as your WarpLight Account ID or the email address associated with your WarpLight Account may be visible to or requested by WarpLight in order to facilitate your request. Information exchanged during these communications are considered confidential when performed through approved channels.

Notice: Other persons may pose as WarpLight and may attempt to impersonate us in order to obtain personal information about you. Always ensure that you are communicating directly with WarpLight through the following email addresses: contact@warplight.dev, support@warplight.dev, report@warplight.dev.

We also operate other official accounts, such as @WarpLight on Telegram and @WarpLight_ on Twitter. We do not recommend starting support requests through these or other social media channels, and suggest that you perform all support requests through support@warplight.dev whenever possible.

Data security

We will do our due diligence in order to maintain a high level of data security for our platforms, services, users, and user data. You must also perform similar actions in regards to your WarpLight Account, including any devices that have access to your WarpLight Account in any capacity. You shall not tamper with or avoid any security measures that we have in place that are designed to protect user data, including through the means of manual labor (“hacking”) or automation. If you discover a security vulnerability with or in our platforms and / or services, you must contact us immediately at report@warplight.dev and work with us so we can fully identify the vulnerability and perform the necessary steps in order to resolve it. We strongly suggest that you do not disclose any security vulnerabilities with anyone until you have received written approval from WarpLight, typically only once the security vulnerability has been resolved and once we have notified any affected users, typically by a security bulletin delivered to our social media and communication channels describing the security vulnerability and the actions taken to resolve the security vulnerability. As part of our commitment to transparency and commitment to data security, security incidents in any capacity will be handled professionally and immediately, and we will not conceal any security incidents once they have been resolved.

If we determine that you have tampered with our platform’s and / or service’s data security and / or infrastructure which results in user data being compromised in any capacity, we reserve the right to pursue criminal liability at any time.


In no event shall we be held liable for any loss of content that you upload or submit to us. It is your responsibility to maintain appropriate backups of your content. In some very rare circumstances, we may be able to restore some or all of your data that has been deleted or lost as of a certain date and time when we may have our own backups for purposes exclusively designated for disaster recovery. We make no guarantee that your data will be available, either in part or in full, in our backups or recovery infrastructure.


While using our platforms or services, you may come across or participate in promotions, advertisers, or other sponsored content showing third-party goods or services through our first-party platforms or services through the means of a WarpLight Account, as some WarpLight Accounts may take on the role of advertising on our platforms or services. Any activity between you and these third-party accounts is solely between you and the applicable third-party. We do not display third-party advertisements in any of our platforms or services, which include banner ads, pop-up ads, video ads or image ads. No personal information is collected or processed by us for the purposes of third-party advertising in our platforms or services, and third-party advertisers are not allowed to collect or process this information. If you suspect that someone is maliciously advertising on our platforms or services, or is collecting or processing personal information for the purposes of advertising on our platforms or services, contact us immediately at report@warplight.dev. Additionally, we may promote our own content within our platforms or services through the use of pinned posts, notifications, or other elements, exclusively for the purpose of making our users aware of the content.

Account violation and deactivation policy

Depending on the WarpLight services and platforms you use, you may be required to follow specific guidelines and policies. Those guidelines may describe prohibited content, actions, or media that is prohibited on that specific platform or service. If you violate any of the platform guidelines for that specific service and you are either automatically flagged by our internal moderation systems or manually reported by another user, your content and WarpLight Account may be reviewed by qualified personnel to determine if the offending content shall be removed.

Should it be determined that the reported content violates the guidelines of the service or platform it originates from, and it is the first time that the associated WarpLight Account receives a valid violation on that specific platform or service, the offending content will be removed from the originating platform, and a warning will be sent to the associated WarpLight Account via email, the notifications system of the originating platform or service, or both.

If a WarpLight Account receives a second violation on a platform or service, the offending content will be removed from the originating platform, and the associated WarpLight Account will be suspended for up to one week, disabling the functionality of WarpLight services and platforms for the associated WarpLight Account during that time.

If a WarpLight Account receives a third violation on a platform or service, the offending content will be removed from the originating platform, and the associated WarpLight Account will be permanently deleted from our infrastructure after a 14 day grace period from the time of action. During the grace-period, the WarpLight Account will have disabled functionality in WarpLight services and platforms up until the permanent deletion from our infrastructure at the end of the grace period. For each service and platform, up to three violations can be received.

Each violation can be appealed by contacting us directly at support@warplight.dev. Each violation has a 14 day grace period, during which time a violation can be appealed by the WarpLight Account owner for review by qualified personnel. Once we successfully receive an appeal request during the 14 day grace period, all parties involved will have up to 30 days from the date of our first response to reach a resolution, if necessary. This 30 day resolution window does not apply to third violations which result in permanent WarpLight Account deletion after 14 days from the time of action, and the resolution window for appeals after a third violation will be limited to up to 14 days from the time of action.

Only one appeal request can be made for each violation within the 14 day grace period. In the event that we approve an appeal, the violation will be voided and any restrictions will be lifted. Appeal requests made after the grace period ends (15 days or more from the time of action) will be disregarded. After 365 days from the time of action for a specific violation, it will be removed automatically.

Depending on the severity of a specific violation, we may choose to temporarily or permanently ban the email address, the IP address(es) associated with a WarpLight Account, associated devices, or more. This will typically only occur during the third violation, however, we may choose to instate these bans at our sole discretion at any time. These bans will be automatically lifted after the determined amount of time has passed or 365 days from the time of action when the ban was instated, whichever is sooner. These bans can be appealed within 14 days from the time of action, similar to WarpLight Account violations. If a WarpLight Account is pending deletion due to a third violation, and a long-term ban is currently instated and a appeal is approved during the grace period, the deletion and any bans will be voided, and any existing violations that have not yet expired or were unsuccessfully appealed will remain.

We reserve the right to permanently ban email addresses, IP addresses, devices and more to bolster and guard the security of our platforms and services around the world.

Computer-controlled (“bot”) WarpLight Account policy

For all WarpLight platforms and services, WarpLight Accounts which are operated solely by a computerized system (typically for malicious purposes), either in pattern, appearance, behavior, or suspicion by other users or platform moderators, at our sole discretion, may be permanently deleted from our infrastructure or modified to any extent without prior warning, specifically if the associated WarpLight Account and / or profile is not properly configured and identified as being computer-controlled, and / or if the involved WarpLight Account is actively violating any number of platform guidelines and / or policies. For example, a “bot” account may violate a platform’s policies only one time, but due to it being suspected as being computer-controlled, we reserve the right to take any level of action against the associated WarpLight Accounts in order to protect our users, platforms and services.

Non-malicious, computer-controlled WarpLight Accounts, such as personal projects, “chat bots”, or other systems which provide automated responses and / or services through traditional WarpLight Accounts are typically exempt from this policy, following moderator review if necessary, provided they are properly configured and identified as being computer-controlled.

Non-disclosure notice

Persons within the WarpLight developer network, including Live Feedback Team members, have promised not to disclose any confidential information that is discovered by either a developer, moderator, staff member, or Live Feedback Team member to any third-party without prior approval from the owner, and appropriate action will be taken if anyone were to disclose confidential information to another party. Confidential information is anything (but not limited to) items that can specifically and / or personally identify you, such as a physical home address, legal name, social security number, government issued identification, driver’s license, or any other kind of information that is specifically tied to a specific user. Any private and / or confidential information entered into our platforms and / or services stays confidential, even if you choose to delete your WarpLight Account, which will cause any stored data associated with the WarpLight Account to be deleted from our infrastructure. All staff members, developers, moderators, and Live Feedback Team members within the WarpLight network are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement between themselves and WarpLight. This non-disclosure agreement does not expire, and if they leave WarpLight in full, any information they have discovered or have been exposed to that is considered confidential is forbidden from being disclosed. Non-disclosure agreements do not expire, even if WarpLight or any of its platforms or services are destroyed. For questions or concerns regarding data confidentiality, contact us at contact@warplight.dev.

Changes and amendments

We reserve the right to modify this agreement or its policies relating to our services at any time, effective upon posting of an updated version of this agreement. In the case of a change on this agreement, the user will be notified through our services and social channels whenever possible. Continued use of our services after any such changes shall constitute your consent to such changes.

Acceptance of these terms

You acknowledge that you have read this agreement and agree to all its terms and conditions. By using our services, you agree to be bound by this agreement. If you do not agree to abide by the terms of this agreement, you are not authorized to use or access our services. Should you not accept these terms, contact us at support@warplight.dev to begin the process of deleting your WarpLight Account.

Questions? Contact us at contact@warplight.dev.




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