Forcing Myself to Do Productivity Trends Leads to a Crash in Intrinsic Motivation

As a result, my work quality and quantity both declined

Khyati Jain


Photo by Konstantin Mishchenko(Edited)

Intrinsic motivation is hard to find, but it’s harder to forget once you know your “why,” the reason that justifies your existence.

It’s the song of the siren that gets louder with each attempt to ignore it; no matter how hard you avoid it, you’ll fall for it sooner or later.

That’s the case with intrinsic motivation. Once you find it, it’s hard to ignore. It might end up becoming the only thing you care about; it’s an obsessive force that guides you to your ambitions.

But sometimes it gets too loud and fades everything else, which leads to massive burnout and needless existential crisis that makes you want to question every decision you ever made.

But the only thing that brings you back to the surface is following your intrinsic motivation, no matter how mentally draining it feels.

A cocktail of deep rest and god’s honest work will give you a dose of creativity that can lead to better creativity and more high-quality work.

But before that, you need to understand what diminishes intrinsic motivation.



Khyati Jain

10x Top Writer| Certified Yoga Trainer| I write about health, fitness, lifestyle, and more. Open to writing gigs. Contact:-