Cleaning My Dead Grandmother’s Mess Taught Me How to Live More Lustfully

Renuka Gavrani
Change Your Mind Change Your Life
8 min readJul 5, 2024


Then ‘ONE DAY’, I will live so wildly that even God will smile down at me and perhaps, Netflix will call me to make a movie inspired by my life.


Photo by Ladislav Stercell on Unsplash

Don’t we all wait for that ONE FINAL DAY when life will be good, and we will have all the reasons to be at peace and nothing will come in between our dreams? Oh..that day, we will be so happy. Don’t we?

But what do we do until then?

We wait, of course. We wait until the storm is over. We wait until everything that is troubling us can evaporate into thin air. We wait for the day when Oxford will call us and invite us to bless their university with our presence and perhaps, with some magic, our career will take a sudden leap, we will have a lot of money and we will finally be able to travel to Italy and perhaps, spend a peaceful summer in Spain.

That day, you will be so happy, won’t you?

And of course, that day will come. Until then, what will you do? Wait? Or simply curse destiny or God or the Universe for not giving you what you wanted sooner? Or better, get a phone and leave your sense on your Instagram’s explorer page and numb your soul with one episode after another on Netflix. Won’t that be such a cool way to WAIT for that ONE FINAL DAY when…



Renuka Gavrani
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I talk about slow & Intentional living - taking you closer to a happy life. I am a published author of the book 'The Art of Being Alone':