Horizon State signs partnership with Nahdlatul Ulama to empower social reform in Indonesia

Eloise Skella
3 min readApr 23, 2018


MELBOURNE, 23 April, 2018— Horizon State, a blockchain-based community empowerment and secure voting company, today announced a strategic partnership with the world’s largest independent socio-religious organisation, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU).

Mr Henri Morgan Napitupulu, Professor Said Aqil Siradj and Dr Walter Tonetto.

Representatives from Horizon State and MorganDe Vere, an international FinTech firm, came together in Singapore recently to celebrate the historic signing of NU — an organisation devoted to the spread of justice, peace, and tolerance — for an exclusive development of Blockchain technology to benefit over 96 million NU members in Indonesia.

The parties held several discussions led by NU Chair, Professor Said Aqil Siradj, to cement the unprecedented collaboration and to promote the values of moderation, compassion, anti-radicalism, and inclusiveness.

The partnership has resulted in the recent launch of a foreign investment company, PT Indo Trust Solutions (ITS), in Indonesia, a consortium with the vision of greater equality through the implementation of dramatic community empowerment through a range of digital services for members.

Mr Henri Morgan Napitupulu and Dr Walter Tonetto, co-founders of ITS, see the timing and the composition of the consortium as being a game-changer for Indonesia.

Speaking from their office location in Central Jakarta, Dr Tonetto suggested that “… the benefits to Indonesia will be incalculable and ongoing, and building momentum will eventually reach a tipping point.”

“When that happens, tangible benefits will be felt across the entire archipelago. There is a high level of trust (al-Amaana) and prescience in Professor Said Aqil’s dealings with us,” Tonetto said.

FinTech firm MCV-CAP will be one of the first partners to integrate services within the Horizon State platform, providing digital banking facilities to improve access to affordable financial services for millions. More global partners of Horizon State are expected to join throughout the year to leverage the democracy-as-a-platform service.

Aligned with NU’s promotion of moderation, compassion, anti-radicalism and tolerance, it is hoped the technology will play a role in improving education, developing the economy, and assisting the underprivileged by giving members a greater voice in policy decisions.

Chairman of the Executive Board of Nahdlatul Ulama, Professor Said Aqil Siradj, confirmed his support for the roll-out of the technology, and the positive social impact it will have to members.

Horizon State chief executive officer, Oren Alazraki, said the technology would empower over 96 million NU members with a focus on community enablement and improved access to services.

“Horizon State will empower large communities to openly and safely express their opinions in a manner that promotes efficient and inclusive decision-making to create a positive effect in our society,” said Alazraki.

He later added that the platform will significantly increase collaboration between organizations and communities to an unprecedented level due to the wide range of civil and financial services on offer.

Over the coming months, the parties will finalise the details of the multi-year implementation roadmap and provide high-level rollout strategy for the technology to provide access for NU members.

