What You Took

A poem

Gaby Rogut
Put It To Rest


Photo by Samantha Hurley from Burst

I didn’t know you planned
on taking everything from me.

I thought
you wanted my smile
and my passion.
That my youth
was just another reason
to desire me.

I didn’t know
you needed me to be strong
because you would do your best
to break me.

I didn’t know
you would succeed at that.

You managed
to take away hope
and replace it
with sheer terror.

You succeeded
at wiping away the smile
I used to carry
on my drive home,
eager to be with you.

I used to ache your touch,
your love, your mere presence;
you were a balm to my soul.

You took that too.

I know the crowd loves
happy conclusions,
but I don’t know if I can
give one to them.



Gaby Rogut
Put It To Rest

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me! https://ko-fi.com/gabyrogut/commissions