Creating A Content Strategy for 2024 Step 2: Know Your Customers

Khadija Nasar Ali
7 min readJul 15, 2024


Photo by Etienne Girardet on Unsplash

Understanding your customers is how you create content that hits home and drives engagement.

If your business has been operating for a while, you likely have a treasure trove of data at your disposal. But even if you’re just starting out, there are plenty of ways to gather and analyze insights about your target audience.

Here’s how small business owners can dive deep into understanding their customers:

7 Methods to Understand Your Target Audience

Analyze Your Existing Customer Data

Start by digging into the data you already have. Sources like website analytics, email lists, CRM systems, sales data, and social media followers can reveal invaluable characteristics and trends about your customers.

How to Do It:

  • Export data from various systems into spreadsheets.
  • Look for commonalities in demographics, location, interests, and behaviors.
  • Segment your customers into distinct groups based on shared attributes.

Example: A small retail business might find that their most loyal customers are local women aged 25–45 who frequently shop during sales events. This insight can help the business tailor marketing strategies to this demographic.

Pro Tip: Regularly update your customer data analysis as your audience evolves. Use a Customer Data Platform (CDP) like Salesforce or Insycle to unify data from multiple sources for a comprehensive view.

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Conduct Surveys and Interviews

Surveys and interviews are gold mines for collecting direct feedback, understanding customer needs, challenges, and content preferences — especially for startups or businesses targeting new customer bases.

How to Do It:

  • Define the key questions you need answers to.
  • Choose a survey tool like SurveyMonkey, Typeform, or Google Forms.
  • Promote your survey via email, social media, and your website.
  • Analyze the data to identify trends and segments.
  • Conduct one-on-one interviews with customers and prospects for deeper insights.

Example: A small business struggling with customer retention might survey its customers to understand why they prefer other brands or what improvements they seek. They might discover that customers value personalized service and timely responses to inquiries.

Pro Tip: Keep surveys short and offer incentives to boost completion rates. During interviews, ask open-ended follow-up questions to uncover deeper insights.

Research Your Competitors’ Audiences

Understanding your competitors’ audiences can offer valuable insights and help you differentiate your targeting strategy. Analyze who engages with their content and how.

How to Do It:

  • Identify 3–5 key competitors.
  • Follow them on social media and subscribe to their blogs/newsletters.
  • Use tools like BuzzSumo and Sparktoro to analyze their content performance.
  • Look for gaps and opportunities to target overlooked segments.

Example: A local coffee shop might discover that its competitors are not addressing the needs of remote workers. By creating content and offers tailored to this segment, such as promoting a quiet workspace with free Wi-Fi, they can attract a new audience.

Pro Tip: Don’t simply copy competitors’ audience targeting. Use the insights to identify unique opportunities and refine your own segments.

Use Social Listening Tools

Social listening involves monitoring social media conversations relevant to your brand and industry. This can help you surface audience insights, trending topics, and engagement opportunities.

How to Do It:

  • Identify key topics and hashtags to track.
  • Use social listening tools like Hootsuite, Sprout Social, Brandwatch, and Mention.
  • Monitor conversations, sentiment, and influential voices.
  • Engage in relevant discussions to connect with your audience.

Example: A small fitness studio might use social listening to track conversations about common fitness challenges and discover that many local residents are interested in early morning classes. The studio can then schedule early classes to meet this demand.

Pro Tip: Look beyond mentions of your brand name to broader industry topics and related conversations. This can help you discover new audience niches to target.

Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash

Customer Feedback and Reviews

Regularly monitor and analyze customer reviews on platforms like Yelp, Google My Business, and social media. Reviews can provide insights into what customers love about your business and areas where you can improve.

How to Do It:

  • Collect and categorize feedback by themes (e.g., product quality, customer service, etc.).
  • Respond to reviews to show that you value customer feedback.
  • Implement changes based on recurring feedback to enhance customer satisfaction.

Example: A small restaurant might find from reviews that customers appreciate quick service during lunch hours but suggest extending the lunch menu to include more healthy options.

Focus Groups

Organize focus groups to gather detailed insights about customer preferences, behaviors, and perceptions. This method allows for in-depth discussions and direct feedback.

How to Do It:

  • Select a diverse group of participants representing your target audience.
  • Prepare a set of structured questions to guide the discussion.
  • Record the sessions (with participants’ consent) for later analysis.

Example: A boutique clothing store might hold a focus group to understand customer preferences for seasonal collections and gauge reactions to new product ideas.

Customer Journey Mapping

Create detailed customer journey maps to visualize the different stages your customers go through, from awareness to purchase and beyond. This helps identify pain points and opportunities to improve the customer experience.

How to Do It:

  • Outline key touchpoints where customers interact with your business.
  • Gather feedback at each stage to understand customer experiences and expectations.
  • Use the insights to streamline processes and enhance customer satisfaction.

Example: An online retailer might discover that customers experience frustration during the checkout process. Simplifying the checkout steps could lead to higher conversion rates.

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How to Get Help from ChatGPT to Understand Your Customers

Using ChatGPT can streamline your efforts to understand and engage with your customers. Here’s how this AI tool can assist you in each step of identifying and learning about your target audience:

Analyzing Your Existing Customer Data:

  • Data Interpretation: Provide ChatGPT with summaries or datasets, and it can help identify patterns and trends.
  • Segmentation Suggestions: ChatGPT can suggest ways to segment your customers based on shared attributes.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, I have customer data showing age, location, and purchase history. Can you help me identify common trends and suggest customer segments?”

Conducting Surveys and Interviews:

  • Survey Creation: ChatGPT can help you design effective surveys by suggesting questions that will yield valuable insights.
  • Interview Questions: Get help crafting open-ended questions for interviews to gather qualitative data.
  • Data Analysis: After collecting survey responses, use ChatGPT to analyze the results and identify key themes.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, I need to create a survey to understand my customers’ preferences better. What questions should I include?”

Researching Your Competitors’ Audiences:

  • Competitor Analysis: Provide ChatGPT with information about your competitors, and it can help analyze their audience engagement strategies.
  • Opportunity Identification: ChatGPT can suggest niche areas or overlooked segments that you can target.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, can you help me analyze how my top three competitors engage their audiences and suggest areas where I can differentiate my targeting?”

Using Social Listening Tools:

  • Monitoring Trends: Use ChatGPT to stay updated on trending topics and conversations relevant to your industry by summarizing social media activity.
  • Engagement Ideas: Get suggestions on how to engage with trending topics or hashtags to connect with your audience.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, what are the trending topics in the fitness industry right now, and how can I use them to engage my audience?”

Customer Feedback and Reviews:

  • Review Analysis: Provide ChatGPT with customer reviews and feedback, and it can help identify common themes and areas for improvement.
  • Response Suggestions: ChatGPT can craft responses to customer reviews, showing that you value their feedback and are taking action.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, here are some recent customer reviews of my restaurant. Can you help me identify common complaints and suggest responses?”

Focus Groups:

  • Discussion Guides: ChatGPT can help you create structured questions and topics for your focus group discussions.
  • Summary Reports: After conducting focus groups, use ChatGPT to summarize the key insights and findings.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, I am planning a focus group for my new clothing line. Can you help me create a discussion guide?”

Customer Journey Mapping:

  • Touchpoint Analysis: Provide ChatGPT with details about your customer journey stages, which can help identify pain points and suggest improvements.
  • Mapping Assistance: ChatGPT can assist in visualizing the customer journey and highlighting critical touchpoints.

Example Prompt: “ChatGPT, can you help me map out the customer journey for my online store and identify areas where I can improve the user experience?”

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Leveraging ChatGPT for Ongoing Customer Insights

ChatGPT can be an invaluable resource for continuously understanding and engaging with your customers. Whether you’re analyzing data, conducting surveys, researching competitors, or responding to feedback, ChatGPT provides the insights and suggestions you need to refine your content marketing strategy.

Getting Started with ChatGPT:

  1. Define Your Objectives: Clearly state what you need help with.
  2. Provide Context: Share relevant data or information.
  3. Ask Specific Questions: Tailor your prompts to get actionable insights.

Example of a Comprehensive Prompt: “ChatGPT, I need help analyzing my customer survey responses. Here are the results. Can you identify common themes and suggest how I can improve my customer engagement strategy based on this feedback?”

By integrating ChatGPT into your workflow, you can save time, gain deeper insights, and enhance your overall content marketing strategy, ensuring that it is data-driven and customer-focused.

This comprehensive approach ensures that your content marketing strategy is rooted in real customer insights, making it more effective and impactful. Creating content that truly resonates with your audience is key to driving engagement and achieving your business goals.

Now onto Step 3….

