Jupiter Chain Token Sales — JUPT

Jovian Editor
4 min readJul 20, 2018


The token economics of JUPT will be different before and after the token swap. Demand of JUPT before the token swap will be tied with the successful deployment and operation of LCECs. The more established the local markets, the greater the demand for JUPT tokens. The potential of reaping the benefits through the Jovian consensus protocol will also encourage demand of JUPT before the token swap. Post token swap, the token economics of the ecosystem will operate through the Jovian protocol on the public Jupiter Chain, this is explained in the previous section on consensus.

Token Allocation

Token Sales (25%)

A maximum of 125 million tokens will be issued for the token sales and will constitute 25% of total JUPT tokens generated. Any bonus received during the presales rounds will be subject to a vesting period of 4 months.

Team & Advisory (13%)

This is allocated to the founding team & advisors with a vesting period of 2 years for founding team (i.e. 50% vested in the first year and the remaining 50% vested in the second year) and 6 months for advisors. An option pool of up to 2.5% will be allocated for future team members, as we continually recruit new talents to join the team.

EcoSystem Building (22%)

Users and ecosystem adoption are essential to the success of Jupiter. Thus, this allocation is to set aside for various incentivization and reward schemes that will be deployed for strategic partnerships and effective user adoption.

Foundation (40%)

This is reserved for continuous research and development, future fundraising, marketing initiatives and market penetration in new countries globally

Use of Funds

The funds received from JUPT token sales will be distributed based on the following five main categories depicted below.

R&D, Project Implementation and Business Development (52%)

Technology innovation, development and implementation is the key to Jupiter’s success and explains why the majority of the funds raised will be used for this purpose. Main R&D efforts will be applied to the area of blockchain, data analytics and AI. Project implementation will include all tasks and resources needed to roll-out projects on the ground, which includes required system integration work, training and maintenance, etc. Business development will be important in identifying the opportunities for technology enablement, as well as translating business requirements into the right technology solutions.

Business and Technology Partnerships (13%)

With the same focus on expanding our presence in ASEAN, we will continue to embark on organic growth via strategic business and technology partnerships in this region. This will include joint-venture partnerships and joint collaborations on synergistic business and technology initiatives that can achieve scale and growth.

Strategy and Operations (20%)

It is envisioned that Jupiter chain will be made up of several LCECs within the same, and across jurisdictions. Strategy and operations include all administrative, finance and operational functions required to ensure successful alignment and execution of all projects and initiatives in the countries that Jupiter will operate in. This will include setting up of local management teams, resources and offices where required.

Legal and Compliance (7%)

This will include all legal costs relating to external legal advice and documentation, as well as resources expensed to set up internal governance and compliance standards and guidelines. Regional and international expansion will also require relevant legal costs to be incurred to ensure adherence to local laws and regulations.

Growth and Marketing (8%)

In the first 24 months, marketing efforts relating to product adoption, community engagement and brand affiliation is anticipated to be more intense to prepare the headway for next phase of growth in the 3rd year. Expenses include both domestic and international marketing, roadshows, conferences and events.

Details of the crowdsale will be announced at a later date.

