Eat These Four Nuts Daily to Accelerate Weight Loss

The healthiest snacks for long-term weight management.

Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


A variety of nuts.

Snacks are a no-no when it comes to weight loss. Every diet will support the concept of three square meals with no snacking.

But if you miss a meal, then snacking is necessary. You can try your best to snack less but in an emergency, you will have to eat something to maintain your blood sugar.

Nuts are the best snacks. You can never go wrong with a nut mix to satisfy your hunger pangs with nutrition.

Busting the myth — Nuts do not cause weight gain

This 2021 study found out that regular nut consumption does not lead to weight gain.

Not all fats are bad. You need to stay away from processed high-fat junk but not Nuts. Nuts are full of vitamins and minerals that your body needs for survival.

Nuts are nature’s super snack food that will leave you wanting for more without costing your health.

This 500,000+ participants meta-analysis proved that nuts do not lead to weight gain, instead, they help in weight management.

So, next time buy that nutty snack pack that you so want to binge on. Because nuts are healthy.



Khyati Jain
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

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