1 min readAug 27, 2017

Today is a sad day for the GroceryX team… We started a pre-sale on the 1st of August to start our project. Since then, the pre-sale has not raised the required minimum needed for the project to take off….We we trying to raise $250,000 minimum, and a max of 2 million. So far we have only raised 11.5 ether….

We have spent over $20,000 of our own money and don’t have any more money to help fund the project. Since we are personally out of money and the pre-sale has not worked…. we will be refunding everyone’s ether as listed in our whitepaper.

As such, all the people who bought FOOD tokens will still receive your FOOD tokens, in fact you will be getting MILLIONS of FOOD tokens due to the fact we only raised a few thousand dollars.

You will also be receiving your Ether returned to you shortly.

The presale will end on the 31st, and on the 1st or 2nd you should have your ether back. I will manually go through and send all the ether back to the addresses that sent some ether in.

Thank you for those who tried to support the project. I’m sorry so many people thought it was a SCAM when it clearly is not….

If you want more information, this will be posted on the pre-sale page at


Built for communities to have their own local system of food distribution