What if your homework was to make a difference?

How high school students can change the world, if we give them a chance

DJ Jagannathan
2 min readOct 15, 2013


Recently I’ve come to realize the lack of opportunities that I had in high school to really apply my knowledge in a meaningful way. I could plug numbers into equations to solve any problem on a test, but I had no idea how those concepts could possibly relate to real life. When I got to college I was exposed to a culture of possibilities and the widespread view that anyone could in some way change and improve the world; we just had to go out and do it.

I want to bring that same thought process to high school.

In just over a year after high school, by just being exposed to a different mindset, I have started a company and played a part in building up a few others. I have started my journey to really having an impact and solving the problems I see around me. And the thing is: I’m barely older than most high school seniors. It wasn’t time that made the difference; it was opportunity and empowerment. I guarantee those seniors will eventually have the same epiphany as me and countless others so why not get them to act a few months, even years, earlier?

That’s what Project: Cinta does.

This platform aims to get students involved in the real world. Let’s see what happens when we give high schoolers a platform on which they can share ideas, connect with people halfway across the country who share the same interests, and get to work on putting those ideas into practice. Let’s see what happens when we allow high schoolers to see the world the way that we present it to college students ­– as a playground, and not a classroom. Let’s see what happens when we finally show high schoolers that they, not just the one-in-seven-billion genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropists, can change the world. Let’s see what happens when we give high schoolers across the country access to Project: Cinta.

Check us out at projectcinta.com

I’m on twitter here, Project: Cinta is on twitter here

